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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:59 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLI: Dirge and Rumble's Excellent Adventure

Not having ingested very much Dinobot Juice, Dirge and Rumble decide they don't want to end up like everyone else and leave the bar. Once outside Dirge realizes that all of the Autobots he knows about are inside and the two decide to have some fun while everyone is passed out. Dirge produces two iron on Autobot insignias from his cockpit and starts ironing them on he and Rumble while Rumble calls a taxi. Once the taxi arrives they head for Iacon. At Iacon they don cowboy hats and boots with spurs to complete their disguise. They easily make it past Topspin and Twintwist who are posted as guards and enter the fortress. Inside they come upon Galvatron's Wheelie go kart which had been confiscated during his earlier infiltration. Realizing that they've hit the jackpot, the two take the go kart and head for Kaon to make some modifications.

Blackjack awakens to the sound of Galvatron chasing dinobots to acquire methane. The Decepticon sub commander walks over to him and asks him if he has erased Megatron's memory chips. Blackjack explains that he has completed his end of the bargain and asks Galvatron to uphold his and come with him to Cambreaker. Galvatron insists that he must first go to his lab in Kaon and put on a disguise so that the other Decepticons won't think him a traitor for meeting with Autobots. He warns Blackjack not to be around when Megatron wakes up and heads out. Heeding Galvatron's warning, Blackjack transforms and rolls out for Iacon.

As the go kart approaches Kaon it begins to have serious mechanical problems due to carrying two Decepticons halfway across Cybertron. Dirge and Rumble cruise into the Kaon Industrial Districts (KID) looking for a place to work on their ride. They happen upon a laboratory built by Shockwave and awaken the one eyed Decepticon with their loud vehicle. They convince Shockwave to leave by telling them that they had found Megatron's credit card and that he should give it back. They had in fact stolen the credit card earlier from a passed out Megatron so that they could pay for the taxi fare. They enter the lab but realize they have left the go kart outside. When Dirge goes out to start it, it explodes and they realize they will have to start from scratch. Looking around for parts, the two find the You Need It We Have It factory and gather what they need. Realizing he can't find an electro heat sensor, Dirge remembers where he left it. He sends an encrypted comm to Grimlock, who had once been his friend, and asks to meet her in the Southern Wasteland.

Returning from the bar to Iacon, Sideways makes his way to his laboratory. There he finds Rev finishing some work on the Maus. Rev explains that had rebuilt the freighter from the ground up to be adaptable for any type of mission. Very pleased about the progress, Sideways suggests that they take the new and improved Maus out and use it to reach locations where Sideways needed to set up mainframes as part of his project for Cambreaker. Dinobot wakes up in the bar and feeling an Energon hangover coming on heads to Iacon for some coffeegon to take the edge off it. He then proceeds to the security room in the fortress and begins watching monitors and relaxing.

Having followed Dirge and Rumble from the bar, Sucker Punch laughs that the two are so easily able to bypass Autobot security at Iacon. Realizing that all they are doing is stealing an old go kart, he leaves to join up with the other Decepticons. Galvatron arrives at his laboratory in the Kaon Industrial District and uses the methane to complete his work on Preparation H. He then puts together a clever disguise consisting of a long, white doctor's jacket, a red nose, and a black bandanna covering his face. Growing tired of waiting for Dirge, Rumble grabs a CO2 canister and sprays it at the blue jet. A suddenly very cold Dirge decides that they should head out to the wasteland and wait for Grimlock there. Shockwave arrives at the bar and finds Megatron passed out. He awakens the Decepticon commander and is almost blasted for his trouble. He explains to his enraged leader that Dirge had found his credit card and that he was returning it. Angered by his bar's destruction and the Energon hangover he has, Megatron comms Dirge demanding to know how he had acquired his credit card. He gives the now worn card to Shockwave and departs.

Returning to Iacon from the bar alone, Grimlock receives Dirge's transmission. She knows that Dirge isn't the same robot she knew before the Great War but agrees to meet with him thinking that perhaps he is willing to switch sides. Cambreaker, Rattrap, Redline, and Swift arrive at Iacon and he picks up on Grimlock's communication with Dirge. He asks Blackjack to investigate Grimlock while he and the others head for the 'Spite to look for trouble. Seeing that the other Autobots have departed, the Crusaders decide that the place has become boring. They contact Cambreaker for further orders and he suggests that they investigate Decepticon safe houses like Vos, Tarn, and Darkmount for any sign of the 'cons. The head out for Vos. From his monitoring station, Dinobot picks up on the communication and offers to provide air support. He heads to the hangar and gets in one of the fighter Sideways had modified for use on the Maus. Sideways is alerted to the fighter being taken and although surprised, gives Dinobot the go ahead to use it.

Rumble and Dirge arrive at Dirge's old hangout in the wasteland, a little place called Glennview. They find that Grimlock has not yet arrived and decide to make the place welcoming for when she gets there. They head to the basement and get an old generator running and then start searching for food. First they come upon some beer-o-gon and a four million year old block of cheese but both are awful. They attempt to eat some old hot dogs but find them also to be disgusting. Thinking that they may be better cooked, Dirge asks Rumble to hook up an old microwave. When he activates it, he is blown into the bedroom. There he finds a box containing some of his old things from before the war. Grimlock arrives at the small building and calls them out. Dirge emerges and embraces Grimlock. Annoyed that Dirge is still in love with the Dinobot, Rumble reminds his friend why they came. Dirge asks about the electro heat sensor and Grimlock explains that it is in her sword. While Rumble removes the sensor, Grimlock asks Dirge to join the Autobots. He hands her the iron on symbol and tells her that he will always be Decepticon but also reminds her that they made a vow to never kill each other on the battlefield. Having gotten what they wanted, the two Decepticons leave Grimlock alone in the wasteland.

Having followed Grimlock, Blackjack activates his stealth as he approaches the building. He is surprised by Grimlock's affection for the Decepticon jet and decides to report it to Cambreaker later. He notices the plans and at first thinks they are for a weapon. Getting closer, he sees they are for a 'harmless' go kart and decides that he has better things to do than watch a dinobot and seeker rekindle their four million year old romance. He drives away towards Kaon, not wanting to keep Galvatron waiting.

Part XLI comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Best Energon This Side of Polyhex: pages 29-30
Iacon: pages 56-57
Kaon (Decepticon HQ): page 44
Kaon Industrial District (K.I.D.): page 1
Southern Wasteland: pages 2-3
Outside the Bar: pages 15-16

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:57 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLII: Preparation H

Galvatron falls asleep in his favorite chair while waiting for Blackjack to show up and take him to Cambreaker. He is awakened by the Autobot knocking at his lab door, gathers Preparation H in a backpack, and adjusts his disguise. Blackjack explains that he will take Galvatron to Iacon as that is where he last heard from Cambreaker but also asks that Galvatron surrender his fusion cannon. The Decepticon sub commander refuses and the two agree that they will have to trust each other for the time being. They are interrupted by a brick thrown in the window by Dirge after he and Rumble returned to their workshop to find that all of their go kart parts had been stolen. They thought they would check Galvatron's lab but finding it locked, throw a brick through the window. Blackjack hides while Galvatron gets rid of the two by blasting his cannon out of the broken window. He and Blackjack depart for Iacon.

Dirge and Rumble wait for Galvatron to leave and head into the lab. They look at his new Cambreaker voodoo doll and his collection of unused Preparation supplies before finding their flatbed that Galvatron had taken. They also find an unmarked locked box and decide to take it as well. Rumble leaves behind his Autobot patch so as to throw the blame on someone else and they go back to their workshop. They begin to attempt to open the box but nothing works. Rumble suggests they start looking for a key. It is a short search and inside the box they find Playbot Issue #1. Now in possession of Megatron's credit card, Shockwave decides to order himself a bunch of drinks. Solar and Striker approach him and ask him how high up he is on Megatron's chain of command. Shockwave replies that he is Megatron's most trusted follower. With nothing else to do the two Decepticons head out for Vos. Sucker Punch locates Megatron and gives him a recording of Rumble and Dirge's antics at Iacon.

Arriving at Vos, Solar and Striker reunite with their old friends Bogie and Icewing. However they are also spotted by the Autobot Crusaders who were searching for Decepticons. The Crusaders set up an ambush and the Decepticons find themselves outgunned. Bogie uses his ability to create holographic duplicates of the seekers and Icewing freezes Starblast solid. Seeing that they are now outnumbered, Racetrack comms Dinobot to bring them backup. Dinobot had just discovered that the fighter could transform into a tank mode when he receives Racetrack's message. He arrives at Vos and sees the army of seekers. Realizing they are outnumbered, he orders the Crusaders back to Iacon while he provides covering fire. Finding that his fire is having no effect, Dinobot realizes he is up against an army of holograms. Seeing that the Crusaders have escaped, he transforms the vehicle back to fighter mode and heads for Iacon. Solar and the others, having reclaimed Starblast, take their prize to the Energon Bar to show Megatron.

Meanwhile, Galvatron and Blackjack arrive at Iacon. He begins to lead Galvatron into Iacon, but realizes he doesn't know where Cambreaker is at the moment, so he sends a comm to his friend. Blackjack also mentions his reconaissance mission and Galvatron asks. He explains about Dirge and Grimlock, hoping to make trouble for the blue jet. As he is arriving onboard the 'Spite, Cambreaker receives Blackjack's message. He tells Rattrap and Redline to take the 'Spite and ensure that the Decepticon rubuilding of Kaon is put to a stop while he, Swift, and Minerva go meet with Blackjack and his prisoner. Blackjack takes Galvatron into the interrogation chamber in Iacon's brig to meet with Cambreaker. Once there, Galvatron introduces himself as Dr. Giggatron, but Cambreaker easily sees through the disguise.

Galvatron suddently acts and punches Cambreaker while blasting at Blackjack and Swift. While all of the Autobots are distracted, he inserts his Preparation H formula into Cambreaker's tailpipe and begins gloating about how he finally has revenge for what Cambreaker did to him. Although bent over in pain as his exhaust system begins to backfire, Cambreaker fits the pieces together and realizes what Galvatron has been trying to accomplish. Galvatron goes on to explain how Preparation H works and that it is a combination of petrol, methane, and diesel fuel. Cambreaker says that this won't kill him but only give him bad backfire. He slams Galvatron against a wall and demands to know how Galvatron knows him. Galvatron exclaims that Cambreaker would not destroy his empire again and again the pieces begin to fall into place. He asks for one last request before the Autobots terminate him and activates a bomb in his abdomed, detonating himself along with a large portion of Iacon.

The explosion is felt even in the outskirts of Iacon where Sideways and Rev are loading mainframes aboard the Maus. The two take off for the main fortress and find the crater made by Galvatron's explosion. Cambreaker is coming to and finds Swift barely concious. He gives her a small amount of Energon to get her back on her feet and two begin seraching for the others. They find Minerva quickly and, although in stasis lock, she looks unhurt. They cannot find Blackjack. From the Ætherspite, Rattrap and Redline are alerted to the explosion and the status of their friends. Rattrap makes preparations and he and Redline board the Nighteye to head down to the disaster area. The Maus touches down and Sideways begins to assist the survivors. A short time later the Crusaders and Dinobot arrive at Iacon as well. Dinobot spots a hand sticking out from the rubble and begins to dig using his laser eyes, he uncovers Blackjack who was closest to the blast. Seeing Blackjack at last, Cambreaker helps Dinobot dig him out and Rev and Sideways load him aboard the Maus.

Blackjack awakens in darkness. For a moment he believes he is one with the Matrix, but a familiar voice tells him he is not. He turns and sees Roulette and calls out to her. The being explains that it has only taken Roulette's form. It tells Blackjack what has occured and that something else is on the horizon, that he has something left to do. Unsure of what the being means, Blackjack tries to call out but is silenced. As he watches Blackjack loaded on board the Maus, Cambreaker asks the Crusaders to come to his office on the 'Spite for debriefing. Having had enough of the recent carnage, Dinobot departs in his fighter for another reconaissance mission. Swift helps Minerva look after Blackjack as the Maus heads for the 'Spite. Sideways meanwhile begins to scan the planet for any traces of Unicron's lingering presence in order to protect himself and his comrades from futuer threats.

Solar and his team arrive at the Energon Bar with Starblast to seek out Megatron. They find only a drunken Shockwave and decide to head to Kaon instead. Once they reach Kaon, they find that Megatron has departed to somewhere unknown. Solar announces his candidacy for leader of the Decepticons and calls himself the greatest warrior. He declares that their next plan should be to reprogram Starblast and use him as a weapon against the Autobots. A voice startles them, laughing at Solar's declaration of leadership. Darknshock reveals himself and explains that Dezsaras is the rightful next in command. Solar submits to this and offers to become one of Dezsaras's lieutenants. Darkshock begins examining Starblast and working to reverse Autobot reprogramming. He manages to establish temporary control over Starblast, but leaves a fail safe in tact in order to lure the Autobots into their clutches. Starblast's partner Controller sends an encrypted message to the Autobots giving them his location. Seeing the destruction of Galvatron and the state it has left the Decepticons in, Scourge retreats deep beneath Cybertron. Dezsaras meanwhile has deactivate the Spacebridge in order to cut himself off from Cybertron while he stockpiled Energon and prepared to one day activate his fortress and conquer the Universe.

Once the Crusaders reach Cambreaker's office, they explain the battle against the Decepticons and the capture of Starblast. Cambreaker tells them that he is saddened to have lost a teammate and charges them with locating and rescuing their comrade. As they leave the 'Spite, the Crusaders receive Controller's distress signal. Meanwhile, somewhere deep beneath Cybertron an ancient Autobot awakens. This Last Autobot makes his way to the surface of the planet and tests all of his systems to make sure they are in working order. He receives a garbled message from Iacon indicating the Autobots are in trouble and sets off.

Part XLII comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 57-59
Kaon (Decepticon HQ): pages 44-45
The Ætherspite (Cambreaker's Frigate): pages 45-46
Kaon Industrial District (K.I.D.): pages 1-2
Cybertron's Streets: page 23
Best Energon This Side of Polyhex: page 30
The City of VOS: pages 7-8
Earth: page 13
Tunnels Under Cybertron: page 8
Deep Beneath Cybertron: page 1

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:59 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLIII: The Last Autobot

The Last Autobot arrives at the ruins of Iacon and surveys the area for Autobot signals. He detects the Maus flying away from the planet above him and transforms to follow it. Getting within sight distance, he projects a holographic image of himself onboard the freighter and explains to Sideways and Rev who he is. As the Maus proceeds towards the 'Spite, Sideways discovers that its engines are not powerful to break the gravity of Cybertron. The Last Autobot intervenes and carries the ship far enough from the planet so as to be out of its gravitational pull. Wihin the Maus's medbay, Blackjack begins to stir and Minerva comes over to check his condition. He jokes to her that it will take more than what happened to kill him. As they ship proceeds to the 'Spite, Blackjack takes comfort in knowing he is under good care but is also worried about explaining his recent mistakes to Cambreaker.

As the Maus docks with the 'Spite, Minerva and Swift rush Blackjack to one of the ship's medbays. Minerva puts Blackjack into a stasis sleep while she performs the repairs and informs Swift that she can go and help Cambreaker now. Cambreaker comes out a stasis sleep in time to see the Maus dock with his warship and the magnificent form of the gold and blue Autobot following it. Feeling as though he is in a dream, he makes his way to the hangar. Seeing Cambreaker, The Last Autobot comes over to address him and Cambreaker explains the events of the past few cycles. Feeling a reverence for this avatar of his people, Cambreaker swears service to the ancient Autobot before him. The Last Autobot asks if any thought has been given to finding the remaining Decepticons and Cambreaker explains that one of his teams is tackling some of them right now. Sideways interrupts their conversation to tell Cambreaker about a distress signal Rev received from the ruins of Iacon. He heads off towards the Maus and The Last Autobot offers to go along and provide what aid he can.

Arriving the ruins of Iacon, The Last Autobot immediately begins to move rubble in order to search for survivors. He discovers the broken and barely functional body of Jazz and immediately informs Sideways before transforming with Jazz and heading back to the 'Spite. After watching The Last Autobot and Sideways depart, Cambreaker casually walks to the medbay to check on Blackjack. Just as he is greeting his awakening friend, the two Autobots return with Jazz in tow. Minerva looks around confused as the Autobots burst in, but Cambreaker explains the situation to her as The Last Autobot scans Jazz and stabilizes his condition with life support equipment. Having been in her quarters contemplating, Swift comes to the medbay to see what all the commotion is. Blackjack awakens from his stasis sleep to find his surrounded by friends and comments that they are having a party without him. While in stasis lock, Jazz's body begins twitching as he relives the events that lead up to his current condition. The Last Autobot asks to take him out into space to finish repairs which he does.

As The Last Autobot and the newly repaired Jazz return to the ship, Swift recognizes the new Autobot as Jazz, but not the same Jazz who trained her thus confirming she came from an alternate universe. Jazz begins to come around and first meets the last Autobot then introduces himself to Cambreaker. Cambreaker says that he is pleased to meet Jazz but does not know how he came to be buried in the wreckage of Iacon. With things settling down, Sideways announces he has other business to attend to on Cyberton and he and Rev depart on the Maus.

Dirge awakens in Shockwave's lab in KIDD after a late night bender while finishing work on his and Rumble's go kart. Feeling in the mood for some havoc, he shoved a passed out Rumble out of the kart's driver's seat and takes off for Iacon. He runs out of gas halfway and grumbling, attempts to contact Rumble demanding to know what they did to use up the fuel. After receiving no answer he digs around in his cockpit for some fuel, spray paints the go kart red and continues on his way. Within Kaon, Darkshock grows tired of the other Decepticons and makes his way to an ancient blast door which enters into an underground facility below the ruined fortress. He begins exploring the ancient Quintesson command center and finds defensive weaponry and communications arrays that he can use. He sends a message for all active Decepticons to meet him at Kaon. Rumble awakens upon finding himself shoved out of the go kart and is surprised when a moment later Shockwave enters the laboratory through a hole blown in the wall. Shockwave immediately goes to a console and begins to monitor something. Rumble peeks at what he's doing and he explains that he is monitoring the events that just took place at Iacon. Just then Darkshock's message is received and Shockwave asks Rumble to take the information he discovered to Kaon. In his chamber beneath Cybertron, Scourge receives the message and awakens. Dirge also receives the message but chooses to ignore it.

As they are awaiting further orders from Cambreaker, The Last Autobot and Jazz detect a Decepticon signal approaching Iacon. They head down to the planet to investigate. As they arrive at the ruins of Iacon, The Last Autobot spots a broken rifle, repairs it, and hands it to Jazz who is thoroughly impressed by his new companion's powers. As Dirge is approaching Iacon on his go-kart, he sees that the fortress is mostly destroyed but decides to fire a missle anyway. Seeing the incoming missile, The Last Autobot shields Jazz and then begins firing on the go-kart. Onboard the Maus, Sideways and Rev detect the battle going on at Iacon and head out to assist. When they arrive, Jazz informs them that The Last Autobot has the situation in hand and is attempting to take Dirge prisoner so he can learn the whereabouts of Megatron. Sideways provides The Last Autobot with some stasis cuffs and Dirge is loaded onboard TLA for transport to the 'Spite and interrogation. The Decepticon seeker exchanges some choice words with Jazz who he remembers from his past battles against the Autobots.

At Kaon, Rumble and Scourge arrive separately and begin looking for Darkshock. The spider-bot soon emerges from the shadows and explains that one of their number who ignored his summons had been captured by the Autobots when attempting to attack Iacon. Rumble explains about the go-kart and suggests that it is Dirge that has been captured. Darkshock leads them into the hidden chambers beneath Kaon and insists that they will find something that will level the playing field and allow them to rescue Dirge. Upon seeing the Ætherspite, Dirge is quite impressed and asks to drive it. He is not suprised when Jazz tells him no and continues to insult his old enemy. Seeing an opportunity to escape, Dirge breaks free of the pair and runs off down the 'Spite's corridors. He attempts to hide inside a workshop by wearing a lampshade over his head but is easily found out and recaptured by Jazz.

Responding to a message sent by Jazz for someone to help them with their prisoner, Rattrap arrives at where Jazz and The Last Autobot are holding Dirge. Rattrap explains that they should interrogate the prisoner and then deposit him back in 'con territory before others come looking for him. He tells them that they need to get back to Iacon to see if any other Decepticons are hanging around. Sideways and Rev appear and also express interest in heading back to the planet's surface. As the pair head off to interrogate Dirge, The Last Autobot's hologram disappears. His true form detects a Decepticon ship approaching the 'Spite and he attempts to engage it but is blown out of the sky and spirals towards Cybertron. Sideways sends a remote signal to the Maus on Cybertron in order to retreive it from the planet. After some time, Dirge finally frees himself and makes his way to a shuttle bay. There he finds Skywarp who had been searching for him and found the Autobot warship. Skywarp offers to help Dirge escape from the Autobot ship and take him back to Kaon.

Part XLIII comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 59-61
Kaon (Decepticon HQ): page 45
The Ætherspite (Cambreaker's Frigate): pages 46-51
Kaon Industrial District (K.I.D.): page 2
Tunnels Under Cybertron: page 8
Deep Beneath Cybertron: page 1

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:57 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLIV: War Never Changes

It is the year two thousand ten, the planet of Cybertron is silent. Much time has passed since the ruthless Decepticon leader named Galvatron detonated himself in a mad attempt to destroy his nemesis, the Autobot commander Cambreaker. Both the Autobots and Decepticons have been scattered amongst the stars. Cambreaker has disappeared, taking his massive warship the Ætherspite somewhere in the far off reaches of deep space. It is a time of great confusion as both factions are without a leader. And then, a lone signal beacon lights up from the lonely Autobot fortress of Iacon, calling all Autobots home.

Blackjack puts down his journal and stands up from his bed. It has been some time now since he had sent the beacon, attempting to call the Autobots back to Iacon. He doesn't know why, but he feels that he must step up and lead them. He feels it is time to stop watching and start doing something. Blackjack opens the doors of his quarters and heads to the war room. On a distant planet made of the galaxy's garbage, an Autobot named Wreck-Gar, leader of the Junkions, receives the beacon. He activates his homemade starship and he and a team of Junkions known as the A-Team blast off for Cybertron. In a deserted factory on Cybertron, Sideways supercomputer receives the beacon, but as Sideways is deactivated he does not respond. Far away from Iacon, Dinobot has been exploring the cavernous interious of Cybertron when he hears the message and heads for Iacon. Minerva awakens at the computer she'd been repairing, glad that Blackjack is attempting to gather Autobots. She leaves her work and heads to the war room, attampting to focus on her duties as an Autobot medic.

Somewhere else on Cybertron an unknown craft sets down an unfamilliar 'bot steps out. Pinstripe begins ordering his men to spread out and find a place to set up their business. Two of the newly arrived bots make their way to Tagon Heights. Tux and Driveby spot a blast crater and inside what appears to be a transformer's spark chamber. They pick it up and head back towards their ship which is being placed inside a bombed out warehouse in order to disguise it. The two return and show Pinstripe, their leader, what they've found. He is pleased to have his hands on a spark chamber and hooks it up to audio receptors. After finding it to be dead, he receives a report from one of his men that there is a battle being fought in Iacon and decides to investigate. While he is driving towards Iacon, a container of 9-volt batteries in his holding compartment hit the spark chamber and the faint voice of Galvatron is heard for a nanoclick.

Dirge lands on the planet roughly and begins to think about what to do next. He decides to head for Iacon to look for any remains of Galvatron that he can find and maybe some Autobots to blast as well. Finally catching up with Dirge, Skywarp tags along behind him. Somewhere far away, deep beneath the planet's surface, The Last Autobot stirs and dispatches a demon which had been lurking around his lair. He checks his weapons and begins the long ascent to Cybertron's surface. As the computer systems in Sideway's laboratory come online, the supercomputer attempts to reach him without results. The computer sends a distress signal to Iacon.

Arriving at the war room, Blackjack finds it empty and is considering that he might not be cut out for leadership when Minerva arrives. He greets her and is about to attmept to catch up with her when the distress signal reaches them. He suggests that they go and investigate since no one else had arrived yet. As they are about to go, Minerva thanks him for attempting to gather the Autobots and says that they need a leader. Blackjack think that he is no leader, but doesn't voice his opinion. As the two head towards the outskirts of Iacon, Dirge and Skywarp detect their life signatures and perch on a nearby roof to see who is coming their way. The Junkion ship enters Cybertron airspace and touches down near their location. Wreck-Gar steps out to see the abandoned streets of the once-proud city. Dinobot lands his scout near the outer walls of Iacon and heads into the city, aware that he may be walking into a Decepticon trap.

As the Junkion ship lands, Blackjack and Minerva note that it is coming down near their destination. Drawing near to the ship, Blackjack calls out to the newcomers to show themselves. Detecting Blackjack's voice nearby, Sideway's computer identifies his voice and sends him a message to hurry. Realzing that the life signatures are Blackjack and Minerva, Dirge abandons his hiding place and engages the two. Seeing the incoming seeker, Blackjack tells Minerva to get to Sideways' aid while he deals with the Decepticon. While dodging Dirge's fire, he lands a single shot on the seeker causing him to crash to the surface. Pinstripe arrives at Iacon and hides in an alleyway nearby to the battle. He and his companion Chopper watch the Decepticons and Autobots take each other on, calculating who has the advantage. Blackjack is suddenly surprised as Wreck-Gar joins him behind the crates and announces in his own way which side he is on. The crates themselves open and an entire group of Junkions emerges and begins attacking Dirge.

Seeing that Blackjack has now received some backup, Minerva makes her way towards the source of the distress signal. She suspects that there are other Decepticons in the area and takes cover behind a large trailer. When shots are fired, reducing the trailer to pieces, she grabs a sheet of metal and runs towards the signal. As she approaches it, she throws herself through a window. Detecting an Autobot in the facility, lights come up and a voice beckons her forward. Seeing that he is outgunned, Dirge grabs Wreck-Gar with a rusty chain and throws him towards the others along with some cluster bombs. Although damaged, the Junkion leader begins to repair himself. Blackjack rolls away from the cluster bombs and notices Skywarp attacking Minerva as she makes her way towards the factory. He shouts a challenge and the seeker teleports behind him with two heat seeking missiles at the ready. The missiles head towards Nova, one of the Junkions, who's parts had been overheating. From the combined fire of Dirge and Skywarp, several of the Junkions are soon reduced to spare parts and begin putting themselves back together. Another of the A-Team begins to fix Wreck-Gar but puts a different Junkion's arm on in place of Wreck-Gar's own arm. In the midst of the carnage, another Decepticon jet, Solder, arrives and begins assisting Skywarp with reducing Junkions to scrap.

From a concealed location Pinstripe and Chopper watch the battle unfold, both confused about which side all of the various players are on. Wreck-Gar faces down Solder and then Dirge after having taken Solder's lightning gun. He smacks the Decepticons with his new arm and then discards it. He attempts to transform, but falls apart as his wheel rolls into a Cybertronian creek. Solder stands up from having Dirge land on him and decides to go after Blackjack. He strafes the Autobot car but Blackjack evades and takes cover behind the corner of a nearby building. Dirge approaches the damaged Wreck-Gar but is distracted for a moment by the head of a familiar transformer sticking out of some wreckage. He picks up the head and a new plan forms. He points his gun at Wreck-Gar and tells him to come along quietly and do a job for him or die.

Minerva follows the voice and the lights to a large, sealed door. As she approaches, the door opens and reveals a chamber containing a badly damaged Sideways. She approaches the fallen Autobot and attempts to perform some basic repairs, but soon decides he must be brought to a medbay at once. She attempts to send a message to Blackjack telling him about Sideways. Outisde, Blackjack receives the message, although full of static. Realizing he needs to end the battle now, Blackjack charges towards Solder. Meanwhile, Wreck-Gar realizes he has no choice but to surrender to Dirge. Knocking the Junkion unconcious and calling to Skywarp to retreat, Dirge takes off. Dinobot arrives at Iacon to find it empty, but upon reaching the war room he learns of the battle Blackjack is fighting in the streets and rushes off to help. He arrives as Dirge is pulling out and Skywarp is still attacking the warehouse that Minerva had entered. He attempts to draw Skywarps fire.

Not hearing back from Blackjack, Minerva attempts to stabilize Sideways and continues to attempt to contact Blackjack. She finally reaches him and he informs her to attempt to get Sideways outside so that he can have some transport pick him up. A moment later, the Royal Flush breaks through the ground onto the battlefield. From his hiding place, Pinstripe notices the Flush and decides that he wants it. He, Chopper, and the newly arrived Deuce move to a new location to better watch the battle, causing the contents of Pinstripe's cargo space to shift. Inside of Pinstripe's cargo space, Galvatron's spark comes to conciousness and begins wondering what is going on and what had happened to his body. As items in the cargo space shift, Galvatron finds himself staring at Detective Comics which he burns away to find a pinup of Maryl-on Monro-icon. Seeing that the other Decepticons have left him, Solder quickly turns on his heels and retreats.

Minerva moves Sideways out of the warehouse and Blackjack transforms the Flush to tank mode so he can be loaded aboard. Dinobot notes that the mighty tank has seen better days and Minerva is forced to agree that it needs some repairs. Blackjack watches the Junkions as they put themselves back together and mourn Wreck-Gar. He attempts to communicate with them but is interrupted by a speedy earth-style bulldozer that appears and transforms into an Autobot named Makeway. Although the group is confused about Makeway's arrival, he wears the Autobot badge. Blackjack remembers seeing him during the Great War working alongside Wheeljack.

Part XLIV comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 61-64
Deep Beneath Cybertron: page 1
Makeshift Hangar of the Sanos Traco: page 1
Planet of Junk: page 1
Cybertron's Streets: page 23

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:53 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLV: The Ransom of Wreck-Gar

As the small group of Autobots makes their way back towards Iacon fortress, other parties move across the planet. The Last Autobot emerges from beneath the planet's surface and begins searching for a place to refuel. His sensors indicate Iacon is the closest base and he heads towards it. Somewhere in Iacon Jazz awakens and realizes that the other Autobots may need his assistance. From their position, Pinstripe and his men watch the retreating Decepticons and decide to follow and offer their services. Dirge brings Wreck-Gar back to his workshop in the Kaon Industrial District and orders him to build a new body for Galvatron. Realizing he has no choice, Wreck-Gar sets about building a body for the Decepticon commander from the spare parts scattered about the laboratory.

As the Autobots head out for Iacon, Blackjack invites Makeway to sit with him in the Royal Flush and explain what he knows about the Junkions. Makeway gives him a full explanation of who the Junkions and Wreck-Gar are and continues to postulate reasons why Wreck-Gar was taken by the Decepticons. Blackjack is glad for a distraction when their convoy is held up by an unfamilliar Autobot. Makeway recognizes Jazz and explains to Blackjack and Dinobot that there is no need to worry. Jazz joins the group as they head back to their base. Upon arrival, Blackjack informs them that there will be a meeting in two cycles and each leaves to take care of their own affairs until then. Dinobot brings his small fighter into the hangar alongside the Royal Flush and heads for his former quarters. Minerva unloads Sideways and takes him to the medbay. Blackjack decides it is his duty to inspect the current state of the fortress before heading for the war room to hold his meeting.

Having been left alone, Makeway deliberates about where best he could lend a hand until the meeting. He decides to offer what limited medical knowledge he has in assisting Minerva with Sideways. He stands by and chats with her as she works to restore her friend's vital systems. He explains how he lived among the Junkions and learned what little he knows of fixing transformers from them. She shares a little about herself but their conversation is interrupted when Sideways comes around. Makeway attempts to communicate with Sideways but realizes he is unfamiliar to the patient so he let's Minerva do the talking. Sideways explains that he doesn't remember what happened to him just that he was working in his lab when it happened. He receives a message from his supercomputer checking up on him and explains about REBA to the others. Minerva suggests to Makeway that he heads to Blackjack's meeting while she makes a few scans of Sideways memory circuits in case it will help him recover anything.

When Dirge goes to see the new body that Wreck-Gar has constructed for their leader, he is shocked to find that the Junkion built Galvatron out of garbage. He is so enraged that he throws the Junkion out of his lab and begins to build Galvatron a body himself. Wreck-Gar begins making his way back towards Iacon when he is almost hit by Pinstripe and his men who are heading towards the lab. Deuce, who is acting as the commander, asks Wreck-Gar to take them back to where he came from. To peak his interest, the DSM use a device to determine that Wreck-Gar's greatest desire is a pile of garbage and some Monty Python DVDs. This they promise him for helping them out. Eagerly awaiting his reward, Wreck-Gar leads the group back to Dirge's lab and pounds on the door. Dirge is unhappy to see the Junkion but interested in his company especially when Pinstripe uses his device to show Dirge that they have what he wants: Galvatron's spark chamber.

Skywarp returns to the lab after having been sent to search for Rumble and the missing go-kart to find visitors. He begins pointing his weapons at them, but Deuce dismisses him with a calm demeanor as he explains who they are to the Decepticons. Fleetside arrives with Wreck-Gar's payment and piles the garbage on top of the Junkion and slips some Monty Python into a portable DVD player for his enjoyment. Wreck-Gar scans a passing garbage truck and changes his alt-mode to that form so that he may more easily carry his new found treasures. He breaks out of the lab and begins heading towards Iacon when he is stepped on by the Monty Python giant foot. Skywarp begins to follow Wreck-Gar and Dirge, enfuriated that the Junkion took the spare parts from his lab, chains Wreck-Gar's new garbage truck form up so he can continue business with his guests. Deuce explains that they would like the Autobot's tank in exchage for the spark core, but Dirge is no longer listening. He realizes that he will need someone with medical experience to install the spark once he has it and he calls the Autobots, ready to make a deal.

Having finished making his rounds, Dinobot heads to the Iacon war room to find Blackjack already there and waiting for the others. Dinobot suggests going over security footage of the recent Decepticon attack and determining how best to repair the defenses. Blackjack is about to leave him to it when they are interrupted by the incoming message from Dirge. The Decepticon explains that he would like to trade their medic for his prisoner Wreck-Gar and a supply of Energon to be returned with Minerva when her work is done. Although Blackjack is reluctant to trust the seeker, he understands the importance of rescuing the Junkion leader. He asks Dirge to stay on hold while he asks Minerva herself about the exchange and asks Dinobot to trace the location of Dirge's broadcast. As he is making his way towards the medbay, Blackjack encounters Makeway and Alias of the A-Team Junkions. Makeway explains that he was on his way to the meeting but realizes that something must have happened for Blackjack to be on his way to the medbay in such a hurry.

Arriving at the medbay, Blackjack immediately explains the situation to Minerva, Makeway, Sideways, and Alias. Minerva agrees to speak with Dirge but is nervous about the idea of actually going through with the trade. She looks to Blackjack and the others for ideas and is surprised when the Junkion among them speaks up. He describes a plan in his unique way of speaking and Makeway translates. Alias suggests that Minerva go along with the trade but with the A-Team keeping an eye on her from a distance so that they can rescue both Wreck-Gar and her before Dirge knows what is going on. Minerva listens intently and then accepts the plan, although worried about trusting Dirge. Blackjack is also concerned, but does his best to be a leader and support the other Autobots. As they are confirming what they want to do, Dinobot comms Blackjack to tell him that he'd managed to trace the location of Dirge's call.

As the Autobots come back into the room, Dirge throws his gameboy away and begins to explain his deal to them. Blackjack tells him that they are willing to accept his terms, but they need to know where he wants them to send Minerva. He tells the Autobots to have Minerva and one other Autobot meet him in Tagon Heights and warns them not to try anything. Skywarp watches the exchange, not understanding what Dirge is trying to accomplish. He turns his attention to negotiating with the DSM and asks Deuce to step out of the room with him so they can talk where the Autobots cannot hear. At the same time Pinstripe hears Galvatron's spark attempting to communicate with him and steps outside so they can talk in private. He is almost run over by Dirge who is anxious to make his trade with the Autobots. Although Galvatron explains that he is a powerful Decepticon and can provide them with anything they need, Pinstripe is content to remind him that right now his fate is in their hands. Once Dirge turns off the communication and leaves, Skywarp faces Deuce and Fleetside and demands to know what kind of a deal they made with Dirge before he arrived.

Back at Iacon, Dinobot implores Blackjack to let him be the one to escort Minerva. He also explains about a tunnel system beneath the Tagon base that Blackjack and the others may be able to use to provide backup. Agreeing with Dinobot, Blackjack appoints him to be Minerva's guardian and heads to Cambreaker's quarters intending to take it upon himself to activate the security systems at the Tagon base. Although she still has reservations about giving in to Dirge's trade, Minerva decides that Wreck-Gar's safety is important enough to risk it. She thinks of one thing that she could use to turn the tide in case of an emergency and heads to her quarters to fetch it. Meanwhile, Dinobot consults with the A-Team and although he cannot understand their manner of speech, he understands their determination. He gives them a rough overview of how to reach a vantage point from which they could assist with the rescue. The A-Team shows him that they understand and demonstrate that they plan to use a duplicate of Wreck-Gar to switch out the real thing and trick Dirge.

Once Blackjack has explained his plan and the others have begun to prepare to head out, Makeway expresses concern about being left at Iacon where he would be unable to translate for the Junkions and unable to do very much to support the mission. Minerva attempts to reconcile him and he decides to trust Blackjack's judgement in leaving him behind. It is at the point that Sideways enters the war room, sporting a new Delorean alt-mode and Makeway begins excitedly explaining to him what they had decided to do. Sideways is pleased to hear about the rescue and then demonstrates for Makeway an ability he'd developed to interface with the Iacon mainframe by sending his conciousness inside of the computer. Blackjack meanwhile finds schematics of the Tagon Heights facility in Cambreaker's quarters and returns to the war room to ask Makeway and Sideways if they would like to come along. Sideways replies that he doesn't feel strong enough yet to be ready for action and Makeway decides to stay and watch over Sideways. With everything ready, the two teams depart in separate directions. Minerva thinks of Cambreaker, Dinobots thinks of protecting Minerva, and Blackjack wonders about his own leadership ability. Dirge arrives at Tagon Height with Wreck-Gar, chains him up, and begins to wait.

Part XLV comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 64-67
Tagon Heights: page 4
Kaon Industrial District (K.I.D.): pages 2-4

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:55 am
by Blackjack
PART XLVI: The Rescue

As the rescue teams depart, Makeway focuses on working with Sideways to repair Iacon's defenses. He asks the more experienced Autobot what his suggestions would be for where to start on their difficult task. Sideways decides that they should work on repair short range sensors so that the fortress can differentiate between Autobots and Decepticons. As Dinobot and Minerva approach Dirge's meeting coordinates, the Maximal warrior considers all of the possible ways he could get the drop on Dirge. However, as they approach Dirge reveals his presense before Dinobot can act. Dirge brings Wreck-Gar out and asks Minerva to come forward, but is threatened by Dinobot not to harm her. As the two stare each other down, Minerva thinks that they should attempt to buy time for Blackjack and the Junkions. She asks about the Energon supply Dirge promised and he presents a single cube as proof. Wondering why no support had come and feeling that she is out of options, Minerva begins to walk slowly towards Dirge.

Blackjack arrives at the outskirts of Tagon Heights around the same time Minerva and Dinobot reach the meeting location. He decides to search for an entrance to Rattrap's factory that will allow him to avoid the sensor of any Decepticons that may be monitoring the area. He finds a small maintenance shaft entrance which leads to the factory's power core and begins to descend into the underbelly of Tagon. Soon Blackjack locates tracks from Dinobot and Crusaders during their initial sweep of the area long ago. His partner Brakkas follows the tracks whick lead them to the power core. Upon reaching the core, they hear a feminine voice activating security and several turrets are trained on them. Taking cover inside of a ventillation shaft, Blackjack and Brakkas soon recognize the voice as that of the Nighteye. When Blackjack calls out to the ship, it responds and shuts down the security turrets. As Blackjack crawls up the shaft to the hangar above, he realizes he has found a way to search for Cambreaker.

Somewhere else in the Tagon Height district, Rattrap awakens in a pile of rubble and sets off towards his factory. Realizing that he will need some help bringing the damaged security systems back online, Blackjack sends a message to Iacon. Sideways responds and rolls out, instructing Makeway to keep an eye on things while he is gone. As Blackjack heads for a lone turret emplacement that he can use to backup Dinobot, he encounters Rattrap. Immediately Blackjack realizes that his rodent companion knows as much as he does about the current state of the Tagon factory. While they are catching up, Sideways arrives and asks how he can help. Rattrap suggests that their first step to activating the security should be to hook Nighteye up to the main computer core and they head off to accomplish this. Outside, Dirge releases Wreck-Gar and pushes him at Dinobot so as to distract the lizard while he grabs Minerva and flies away. Dinobot immediately comms Blackjack to inform him that their plan had gone wrong. He then begins to follow Dirge, but the blue jet leaves him and Wreck-Gar in the dust.

When Dinobot's message is receieve, Blackjack, Sideways, and Rattrap are horrified. Blackjack leaves immediately to help Dinobot and asks the others if they would like to come along. Rattrap tells him that they will stay behind and get the Tagon base up and running. He and Sideways descend into the central computer core and find it completely destroyed. While Rattrap begins some of the repair work, Sideways examines the computer's security recordings and finds something shocking: Nighteye had sabotaged the base herself. Meanwhile, Blackjack catches up with Dinobot and Wreck-Gar and begins cursing his own lack of leadership for the failure of the rescue. Dinobot tells him that he too feels responsible and that he won't rest until Minerva is safe. Having been to Dirge's headquarters before, Wreck-Gar begins to lead the other two Autobots to where the Decepticon had most likely taken their friend. Sideways reminds Blackjack that he had traced the signal of Dirge's earlier call and that he could also find the hideout that way. Blackjack sends a message to Makeway in Iacon asking for the coordinates.

The defense systems in Iacon had suffered a major malfunction around the time Sideways had left and Makeway found himself busy attempting to repair the damage to the recognition systems. He is eager to help Blackjack when the message is received and transmits the coordinates just before being shot by an unknown assailant. Meanwhile, The Last Autobot runs out of energy and crash lands outside of Iacon. He quickly locates a small supply of Energon and continues on towards the city. Within the ruins of Kaon, Scourge searches for any remaining Decepticons. He sends out a message which is received by Dirge and heads towards the seeker's current hideout. Elsewhere, Inferno awakens within Time Travller's old laboratory beneath the Energon Bar. He does not remember how he came to be there and decides to search for other Decepticons.

Arriving at his laboratory in the Kaon Industrial District, Dirge shoves Minerva inside and orders her to restore life to Galvatron. Minerva sees the rough body layed out the table and is shocked. She tells Dirge that even if she wanted to help him, she isn't capable of restoring life without a spark. Dirge is furious and threatens her life if she doesn't do it, but is interupted by Deuce who suggests that now might be a good time to deal for the 'missing piece' in Dirge's plan to bring Galvatron back. Minerva begins working while she listens to the deal. Deuce offers Dirge and the other Decepticons a place in their organization in exchange for the spark chamber. Dirge considers and then accepts, but has his doubts about these 'bots that resemble Earth gangsters. Nearby, Inferno breaks through to the surface of Kaon. He is confused about the condition of the once great city, but his thoughts are interrupted by Dirge's request for assistance in killing Autobots.

As Blackjack and the other approach the coordinates, he realizes they are entering Kaon and warns the others to be on guard. The group discovers a few of Dirge's booby traps as they venture into the ruined city, but nothing very threatening until a large red Decepticon tank blasts through a nearby wall. Blackjack ducks around a nearby building and is soon joined by Dinobot who informs him that he cannot reach the Junkions. Scourge rolls up to the battle site and calls for the Autobots to stand and fight. A moment later, Inferno emerges and spotting his old nemesis Dinobot, charges into the fray. Feeling suddenly outnumbered, Blackjack sends a request to all Autobots in the area for help. He narrowly dodges an attack by the tank, now turned jet, and realizes that he is in no condition to fight the Decepticons like this. Brakkas takes over and produces a Decepticon seeking rocket launcher which he fires at Blitzwing. The downed Decepticon transforms back into a tank and attmepts to fire at Blackjack, but is stopped by Dinobot. Before he can engage Blitzwing further, Dinobot feels the heat from Inferno's flame cannons and goes toe to toe with his old adversary, feeling invigorated from fighting so many enemies at once.

Rattrap considers what could have caused Nighteye's actions while he and Sideways work to repair the damage mainframe. In no time they repair the damage and get the maintenance drones up and running so that they can complete the remaining repairs. Rattrap suggests that they head to the Nighteye and see if she is combat ready in case they need to backup the others. As soon as he is reunited with the ship, Blackjack's cry for help comes across the audio channels and Nighteye takes off on her own towards Kaon. Out across the Southern Wasteland, Redline works in solitude in a small makeshift laboratory having retreated from major centers of activity in order to better focus on her research. She has been listening intently to the comms chatter as of late, hoping to hear an Autobot message. When Blackjack's cry comes across, she transforms and rolls out for Kaon almost immediately.

As Minerva listens to Dirge and Deuce dealing, she becomes more concerned about her fate. These Decepticons and their allies are bent on bringing back to life one of the most powerful and insane Decepticons. She quietly continues to work, but intends to add something 'special' to the new Galvatron. Seeing that Dirge is ready to join them, Deuce asks for proof that Galvatron would be willing to work with them once he is restored. Dirge tells them to ask him themselves. Outside, Blitzwing opens fire on Dinobot and yells to Inferno that he hadn't realized there were other Decepticons in the area beside himself, Skywarp, and Dirge. Inferno explains who is between exchanging blasts with Dinobot and assumes command on the battlefield. He pulls out two arm mounted drill blades and engages Dinobot's sword with his own new additions. Blackjack transforms back into robot mode and decides that he can be little help to Dinobot and Wreck-Gar. He decides to go on his own to locate and rescue Minerva.

With Dirge distracted, Deuce and Fleetside restrain him and strap him down. Drive By and Tux blow a hole through the back wall and enter as Pinstripe connects Galvatron's spark chamber to audio receptors. An angry Galvatron yells that he cannot be restrained and Deuce asks Dirge why they would want to bring such an unstable and powerful Decepticon back to life. Dirge replies that Galvatron can help them get what they want from the Autobots and then sends a comm to all Decepticons in the field to return to his laboratory. The Nighteye arrives in the sky above the battlefield and begins raining fire upon the Decepticons. Sideways descends from the gunship, eager to try out his new alt-mode. Upon receiving the message from Dirge, Blitzwing considers it wise to retreat from facing the gunship and assist his temporary leader. Inferno considers Blitzwing a coward and takes to the sky to take on the Nighteye with his flame cannons.

As he approaches Dirge's makeshift headquarters, Blackjack hears the voice of Galvatron and realizes the danger he's in. Peeking through the hole in the back wall, he watches Blitzwing arrive and demand the release of Dirge from another group of mechs. Then he recognizes Chopper and realizes they are up against the DSM. Unphased by the threat, Chopper transforms to gun mode and Pinstripe blasts Blitzwing with some blank shells meant to be more of an intimidation than a threat. Deuce asks again why they should help Galvatron. Once more the Decepticon leader's spark chamber speaks telling the DSM that he can provide them with power if they follow him. Minerva watches the events unfold and uses the confusion in the room as a distraction while she installs a small device in Galvatron's new body. Spotting Minerva in good condition, Blackjack decides to attempt to buy her time to escape. He steps into the room and announces that they are surrounded, firing a single shot to knock Chopper from Pinstripe's hands. He hopes that this show is enough to make them fall for his bluff.

The flames fired by Inferno merely lick the shields of Nighteye and the gunship returns fire with six large turrets. Inferno finds himself knocked from the sky but manages to modify his flame cannon to explode and throws it at the Autobots before burrowing away into the ground. Dinobot leaps to push Sideways out of the way and takes most of the blast. He asks Sideways to go and find Blackjack while he ensures Rattrap's safety. Before heading out, Sideways gives him a vial of green liquid to drink. Rattrap had been thrown from the gunship by the explosion but he gets up and he and Dinobot board the Nighteye. As they head to backup Blackjack, he tells Dinobot that it is good to see him in one piece. As Blackjack stands and faces his assembled foes, Wreck-Gar suddenly appears next to him and adds his own version of a threat to Blackjack's words.

The Decepticons are unphased by Blackjack's warning and Blitzwing opens fire on him and grabs Minerva as Dirge activates his subsonic weapon, affecting everyone in the room. Minerva had been about to escape when she was grabbed and as the weapon is activated she finds her worst fears coming to life and begins to panic while being clutched by an equally upset Blitzwing. Pinstripe watches in horror as his entire team is affected by Dirge's weapon. He decides the only way to end this is ally himself with Blackjack and he walks over to his Autobot nemesis. Blackjack is also ready to deal and asks Pinstripe for assistance in exchange for whatever he wants. The Nighteye arrives over the building and Blackjack calls to Rattrap for evac. Rattrap replies that if they can get out of the building, he can lower cables to them, but he doesn't want to risk blowing up the building to get to them. Redline arrives at Kaon and can see the Nighteye in the distance. She sends a message to Rattrap asking what is going on and he asks her to get onboard the Nighteye via the cables he is lowering.

Seeing that Pinstripe and Blackjack are unaffected by his weapon sends Dirge into a rage. He frees himself, points his weapons at Minerva, and tells them to leave before he terminates her spark. Seeing that they are both out of options, Pinstripe throws the spark chamber at Dirge and kicks chopper in gun mode over to Blackjack. While Dirge is distracted, Blackjack points Chopper at him, but then turns and opens up on Blitzwing, forcing him to release his hold on Minerva. As Pinstripe grabs Deuce and runs from the building, he leaves a business card with Blackjack for later. Blackjack grabs Minerva and is heading for the lowered cables when Dirge catches up and blasts the cables down. He is about to blast at the Autobots when Sideways comes out of nowhere to knock him to the ground. Still in a panic, Minerva breaks free of Blackjack's hold on her and speeds off into the ruins. Dirge is threatening the remaining Autobots when the Nighteye opens fire on him. Blitzwing helps the now heavily damaged Dirge out of a crater and helps him limp back into the building. As he leaves, Dirge gives the Autobots one last threat. Seeing that Minerva is gone, Blackjack realizes he'd failed the rescue and collapses. Inside the building, Wreck-Gar spots the spark chamber and the empty slot in Galvatron's chest. Without thinking, his natural instinct towards repairing others kicks in and he places the chamber into its place in the lifeless body.

Part XLVI comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 67-68
Tagon Heights: pages 4-6
Kaon Industrial District (K.I.D.): pages 4-7
Outside The Bar: page 16
Kaon (Decepticon HQ): page 45
Southern Wasteland: page 3

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:55 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLVII: Galvatron Lives!

While on their way to backup Dinobot and rescue Wreck-Gar, the A-Team Junkions had encountered a lone Decpeticon named Revoltech. This Decpeticon had stolen a portable space bridge device from the laboratory of another Decepticon and, mistaking it for a powerful weapon, had sent the A-Team to Earth. This ragtag group glances around and at first think they are home. Once they realize where they are, they set about building a ship to take them back to Cybertron and Wreck-Gar's rescue. Within Iacon, the Decepticon who had just blasted Makeway is about to finish the job when he realizes that he bears a resemblence to the fallen Autobot and may be able to trick others by taking his place. The Decepticon named Thundergun moves Makeway to a spare parts storage and perfects the disguise meant to make him look like the Autobot.

As Dirge and Blitzwing retreat from the battle, they are pleased to find that Galvatron's spark core had been installed. Dirge makes a few remaining connections before falling into stasis lock. Inferno tunnels into the room to find the two in stasis lock and takes them to CR chambers. When he returns, Galvatron's body is no longer on the table. A click later, the Decepticon commander emerges from the shadows holding Wreck-Gar by the neck. He terminates the Junkion's spark and tells Inferno that he is back. Scourge enters the lab through the hole in the back wall. Galvatron almost blasts him, thinking it to be Optimus Prime, but realizes it is one of his warriors. Looking at the remains of Wreck-Gar, Scourge suggests giving the Junkion's remains to the Autobots as a warning that Galvatron had returned. Galvatron sends a message over the comm on an Autobot frequency and orders Inferno to deliver Wreck-Gar's head to the Autobots. He and Scourge leave for the Energon Bar. Inferno picks up the head and laments the Autobot's death. He desires to find Time Traveller and find out why he had been returned to life, but until then he resolves to follow Galvatron's orders.

Rattrap asks Sideways to load Blackjack aboard the Nighteye. He notices on the ship's scanners that Wreck-Gar's life signal had faded and curses Kaon for claiming another Autobot life. He takes the Nighteye to pick up Redline so they can leave the awful place. As she comes onboard, Rattrap explains the situation to her and asks her to begin searching for Minerva what he and Dinobot help Sideways to tend to Blackjack. When they enter the small medbay, Sideways tells them that he can get Blackjack into a stable stasis lock, but would like some assistance. As the others depart, Redline settles in and begins talking with Nighteye about finding the best way to locate Minerva. Having been heavily affected by Dirge's weapon, Minerva had fled to Tagon Heights where she'd found a quiet abandonded building and allowed herself to rest. Trying everything she can to find Minerva, Nighteye activates her short range sensors on a disconnected section she had sent back to Tagon. Picking up a faint signal, she reports this to Redline who asks Sideways to prepare the medbay for one more.

Dirge and Blitzwing awaken in the CR chambers in K.I.D. The blue seeker sends a message and learns that Galvatron had headed to the Energon Bar. At the bar, Galvatron orders a round for himself and Scourge and listens to his warrior's tales of how he had returned. Galvatron then explains that he is in need of ship that can take them to Earth. With unquestioning loyalty, Scourge departs to locate a ship. As he leaves, he passes Dirge and Blitzwing. Dirge introduces the triple changer to Galvatron and asks why they are heading back to Earth. As Blitzwing turns on the jukebox and begins to dance, Galvatron explains to Dirge that he plans to begin their conquest by taking over the Earth and stripping it of all of its energy resources. Scourge arrives at Iacon and is searching for a ship when he discovers Sideways lab. Breaking through the metal doors and bypassing the security, he discovers the gunship Maus and activates it. Galvatron was just beginning to become impatient after hearing no reports from Scourge or Inferno for some time when Scourge reports that he has found a ship.

As the Nighteye approaches Kaon, a message is received from Galvatron telling them he was reborn. Rattrap is terrified. They are few in number with Blackjack deactivated and Wreck-Gar dead, he is unsure how they will be able to stand up to Galvatron and the new Decepticons that had appeared. He asks Redline to come to the medbay and help Sideways. Just as he is about to return to the bridge, Blackjack reaches out to grab Sideways and a strange voice tells them all that they must take him to Iacon and the Royal Flush. Once they arrive at Minerva's location, Rattrap descends and locates her. He and Dinobot move her carefully onto the Nighteye and he charts a course for Iacon. Dinobot takes her to the medbay and although she cannot hear him he expresses his guilt at not being able to protect her. Redline arrives at the medbay and gives Dinobot a hand with examining Minerva, attempting to console him in the process. As the gunship approaches Iacon, Minerva comes around and Redline reports this to Rattrap.

Rattrap is pleased to hear that they were successful in restoring her. As they enter the city, he detects two Decepticons and an unknown and tells them to be on guard. He asks Minerva and Dinobot to take Blackjack to the Royal Flush while he and Redline investigate the unknown signature and Sideways checks up on his laboratory. As Rattrap leaves with Redline in tow, Minerva glances at Blackjack with horror. She hadn't expected anything like this to have happened and understands why they need to move him as soon as possible. Having entered Iacon through the use of his ant-form, Inferno watches the Nighteye fly overhead and allow two Autobots to disembark before continuing on to the fortress. Rattrap stops on his way to the fortress and produces a red box, which he explains is a present he had made for Snafu before they had been separated. Redline accepts the gift excitedly and is anxious to set it up for Snafu to play in. As the two are enjoying their reunion, Inferno emerges and delivers his warning by presenting Wreck-Gar's head. He also asks if either of them know where he might find Time Traveller. Rattrap is furious about seeing Inferno with the remains of his comrade but he begrudgingly offers to tells Inferno how to find someone to answer his questions if he will answer some of Rattrap's. Inferno answers the questions but is unable to hear Rattrap's answer as the Iacon defense systems begin firing on him and he is forced to retreat.

Thundergun watches the security console detect the presense of the two Decepticons and the Autobot gunship entering Iacon. He frantically attempts to press buttons in an attempt to stop the malfunctioning systems but they fire upon Scourge, Inferno, and the Nighteye mostly unsuccessfully although causing more damage to the fortress. Inside the Nighteye, Blackjack's mind drifts again. He meets another phantom, this one of Sixshot, who tells him he is weak and that he must find the Autobot's true leader. As Minerva and Dinobot begin to move Blackjack's body, Brakkas comes awake and begins telling them to do all they can for his partner. Dinobot is a little suprised to see the Nebulan and apologizes for letting he and Blackjack end up the way they did. Brakkas dismisses it and decides to warn Dinobot about the DSM. As they approach the Royal Flush, he tells them of the voice he'd been hearing telling him to make sure Blackjack became a headmaster for the Flush itself. Although Minerva doesn't understand the voices that Blackjack and his partner are hearing, she agrees to perform the difficult operation and asks Redline to assist her.

As Galvatron explains his plans, Dirge questions him by asking why he seems to no longer be concerned with Cambreaker. Galvatron becomes enraged at the name of his enemy and tells Dirge that they are invading Earth in order to lure Cambreaker into a trap. Before Dirge can say anything else, Inferno arrives and tells his leader that he has delivered the message. This news improves Galvatron's mood greatly and he buys all the Decepticons another round of drinks to celebrate striking fear into the hearts of the Autobots. Dirge continues to press his luck by mentioning that Cambreaker was missing and that he had been a prisoner on his ship so he could figure out a way to track it. In order to curb Galvatron's mood a little, he gives him a Cambreaker voodoo doll which he promptly uses to slap Blitzwing and Dirge across the face. Taking care not to mention the name, Inferno asks why Galvatron has a vendetta against a particular Autobot and Galvatron explains to each of them why he must destroy Cambreaker. He sits back to wait for Scourge and the ship that will take them to Earth.

Once Inferno departs, Redline scoops up the head of their fallen comrade and keeps it safe in case there is a chance something can be done for him. She asks Rattrap about Inferno but he indicates he isn't interested in talking about it. The two continue towards the fortress and stop when they hear motion inside. Rattrap orders whoever it is to come out where he can see them. Although he is disguised, Thundergun is nervous about being found out by an Autobot that could have potentially known his victim. He steps out and warns Rattrap about the malfunctioning security system. Although Rattrap doesn't know what Makeway looks like he assumes this stranger to be him. As Rattrap seems to know Makeway, Thundergun decides to fake amnesia in order to get more information about what his victim was like. Growing tired of the conversation, Rattrap asks Nighteye to check the stranger's energy signature and, learning he is Decepticon, he plants a demo charge on Thundergun and allows it to do it's work. While he is dealing with Thundergun, Redline gets Minerva's message and heads to the hangar to assist with Blackjack.

While Minerva, Redline, and Dinobot work to restore his body and combine him with the Royal Flush, Blackjack's concious drifts. He finds himself in limbo, knowing what he must do but not how to do it. He asks for an answer and is given visions of different transformers holding a particular book. Then he is pulled away and awakens to find that he has become the Royal Flush itself. He separates from the Flush and thanks the ladies for saving him. He then announces that he is ready to have a meeting and get moving again towards their goal. Redline is glad to see Blackjack functioning again, but worries about Rattrap after having heard the explosion. She rushes back to find the still form of Thundergun and then Rattrap leaning over another fallen Transformer. She helps Rattrap evaluate Makeway's condition and they decide that they need to get him to the CR chamber onboard the Nighteye. While taking him there, Redline apologizes for running off but gives him the good news that Blackjack is functioning and seems to have a plan on how to find Cambreaker. Once Makeway is safely in the chamber, they head for the war room to meet up with the others.

As Inferno listens to Galvatron's tale he considers using the Decepticons to help him find Time Traveller and suggests to Galvatron that the powerful mech may be able to help find Cambreaker. Galvatron is enraged to hear Inferno mention Cambreaker and tells him that they are going to go to Earth and drain it of energy so they can lure Cambreaker to come to them. As he explains his ideas of how to terrorize Earth, Dirge shoots each one down by explaining that the humans had already done those things. Inferno is disappointed that the Decepticon leader is so stubborn in his plans, but decides to make the best of it. After much waiting, Scourge arrives with the Maus and the Decepticons begin to board. Blitzwing exclaims that it needs a proper paint job and sprays a Decepticon logo onto the gunship before it blast off for Earth.

Part XLVII comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 68-69
Tagon Heights: page 6
Kaon Industrial District (K.I.D.): pages 7-8
The Decepticon Table: pages 8-9
Earth: page 14
Outskirts of Iacon: page 1

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:48 pm
by Blackjack
PART XLVIII: The Covenant of Primus

As Blackjack arrives in the war room, he begins to wonder about the statuses of Sideways, Rattrap, and Makeway. He asks the computer to show all Transformer life signals in Iacon, but finds that the system is acting up. Dinobot kicks the console and the machine does what it is asked. Blackjack is glad to see his friends are alright, but confused at what happened to Makeway and why he cannot see Sideways. He also sees an unidentified Autobot and attempts to contact them with no success. As Blackjack is wondering about Sideways, a comm comes through from him. He explains that he had gone to check on his lab and found that it had been broken into. Descending to the lowest level of his laboratory, Sideways is pleased to find that the supercomputer is undamaged but shocked when he finds that Scourge had taken the Maus. Blackjack is also troubled by the news and as he is considering what to say to the now assembled Autobots, he discovers the business card given to him by Pinstripe.

As the Decepticons head towards Earth, Galvatron realizes that he does not really have a plan to lure Cambreaker to him. Inferno suggests contacting their operatives on Earth, like Dezsaras. Just as he says this, the ship's communicator crackles out a staticky message and Galvatron replies. While Blitzwing continues spray painting Decepticon logos on the inside of the ship, Dirge shows Galvatron a TV set with the movie 300 playing. Galvatron is contemplating having these Earth warriors join his cause when he receives a text message from the same source as the earlier message. He is confused about the source of the number but Dirge replies that it seems to belong to Scorponok. Galvatron is pleased that such a powerful Decepticon still functions and asks the giant scorpion if they can speak on MSN. Scorponok transmits landing coordinates to the Decepticons and banters with Galvatron about looking forward to their arrival. Inferno meanwhile is upset about having a Decepticon logo painted on him by Blitzwing and heads to the back of the ship to remove it and build himself some new weapons. Galvatron spills some kool-aid thinking that Inferno will lick it up, but instead Blitzwing and Dirge fight each other for it. Losing out to Dirge, Blitzwing begins to think that the ship is being piloted by no one but Scourge reminds him that he is doing it. After almost no time, the Decepticon controlled gunship approaches the small blue planet.

Blackjack looks at the Autobots in the war room and gives his best attempt at a speech. He reminds them that they are a team and a family and states that he isn't fit to lead them. He tells them of his vision and that he now knows that by finding a book called the Covenant of Primus he will be able to learn the location of Cambreaker. Lastly he asks them to decide if they would rather come along to search for the Autobot's true leader or stay and prepare Cybertron's defenses against the Decepticons. Minerva is relieved that Blackjack seems to sure about finding Cambreaker and resolves herself to do whatever is necessary. Although Rattrap doesn't understand why Blackjack refers to them as family, he is resolute about finding Cambreaker and strengthening their cause. Redline sees that Blackjack is still questioning himself, but she too is resolved to finding their leader. As the Autobots get ready for their journey, Blackjack heads to Iacon's abandoned archives. Although he is unsure of where to look, Blackjack encounters a ghost resembling Optimus Prime. The phantom Prime leads him to a paper bound book that can only be the Covenant. As he acquires the book, Prime gives him a charge to use its knowledge to unite thier race.

As Blackjack returns to Iacon, he sees Sideways about to enter the fortress on his way back from his lab. He stops for a few moments and chats with his old friend about what he was doing in the time that had lapsed since Cambreaker's disappearance. Sideways describes a project he had been working on to create a virtual version of Cybertron within his supercomputer that he could use to test new technologies. Blackjack thinks this is a great idea and imagines Cambreaker will like it too. His conversation with Sideways makes him realize that there is something worth protecting at Iacon while they are away. He remembers the business card and decides to pay a visit to Pinstripe in order to hire some protection for their abandonded fortress. Blackjack takes the Royal Flush and heads towards the location indicated on the card. While in transit, he decides to flip through the pages of the Covenant of Primus. What he reads are accurate depictions of the events that occured on Cybertron since he had come back.

Back at Iacon, Rattrap glances around the hangar where maintenance bots are sorting through supplies that had arrived from Tagon Heights and loading the equipment they would need for their journey. He decides that running a diagnostic of Nighteye's systems would be a good idea before they take off as well. He enters his own quarters aboard the ship and connects his spark chamber. As the diagnostic completes, he hears Sideways calling him to see if he can be of assistance. He finds the scientist 'bot and informs him that everything is ready and they are just waiting for Blackjack to return. Minerva heads to her own quarters, her head full of thoughts on what Blackjack was planning exactly. She is excited to search for Cambreaker but confused about how an old book could help them and uneasy about leaving Iacon unguarded with a faulty security system. She is deep in thought and almost runs into Redline on her way to the hangar. The two spend a moment catching up about and Redline notices that Minerva is not quite herself. As they approach the hangar she excuses herself and retrieves Wreck-Gar's head from the medbay, feeling she needs to take it with.

As the Maus enters Earth's atmosphere, Scourge feels himself losing control of the ship. He warns the other Decepticons to prepare for a crash landing. The ship comes down roughly in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Scorponok's location. As the Decepticons pull themselves from the wreckage, Blitzwing grabs Scourge and yells at him for almost killing them. Scourge returns with a threat and then blows up the wreckage of the Maus with his shoulder missiles. Seeing that Scorponok is just over the next ridge, Galvatron transforms to tank mode and leads the Decepticons onwards. As the Decepticons approach the city, Scorponok lights up. Dirge goes off in search of a pub while Blitzwing attempts to awaken Scorponok, who he assumes is sleeping. Angered by the loud banging, Scorponok plays Never Gonna Give You Up loudly everywhere Blitzwing goes. He greets Galvatron and informs him that his headmaster partner Zarak abandoned him on Earth. When Galvatron offers to locate Zarak he explains he is unable to move without Zarak but goes on to explain how the Earth people have been turned against the Autobots and how Galvatron could use this to conquer the planet.

The Royal Flush pulls up to the Sanos Traco and Pinstripe comes alert at the helm of his ship. As Tux rushes into tell him about the approaching Autobot vehicle, he tells him that he already knows and heads out to greet Blackjack. As his old enemy disembarks and mentions he has come to deal for some protection, Pinstripe smiles. He invites Blackjack in for a drink and to discuss his favorite kind of business. Blackjack explains how they will be leaving and want someone to guard Iacon. He originally offers to pay them in Energon, but Pinstripe dismisses this and asks to use the Royal Flush. Feeling unable to part with the Flush as it is a part of himself, Blackjack decides to offer Pinstripe use of the Tagon Heights facility and plans to build his own. This offer is music to the gangster's ears and he accepts fully although noting that he would like to ensure the security system did not turn on him or his men. Although Blackjack is anxious about explaining this all to Rattrap, he feels he can trust Pinstripe. As he leaves to head back to Iacon, he catches a remark from Pinstripe about someone else seaching for an Autobot war cruiser, but doesn't give it much thought.

Galvatron explains his own story and his failures to destroy Cambreaker. He considers creating a tsunami to destroy Japan but Dirge explains that this too had already been done. Then Galvatron comes up with an idea, encouraged by Scorponok, to have several Decepticons pose as Autobots and attack the dam powering Las Vegas while he and Dirge go to the city and convince the humans they are there to help. As Galvatron and Dirge head off towards Vegas, a minion of Scorponok's named fast track appears and becomes excited that there are other Decepticons on Earth once more. He begins following the Decepticon commander who is already long gone. Left alone and charged with conquering the Davis Dam, which had replaced the Hoover Dam since the Autobots had destroyed it, Inferno, Scourge, and Blitzwing decided they had better get moving as well. Inferno tells the others that since he is the highest ranking among them, he will command the mission. Dirge transforms to jet mode and allows Galvatron to get on board as they head for Las Vegas.

Having gotten what she needed from the medbay, Redline heads to the Nighteye in order to check on Makeway. Depositing the head of their comrade, she exits the ship and finds the others talking in the hangar while waiting for Blackjack. As Rattrap is becoming impatient, a comm comes through from Blackjack asking him to meet in private. He is slightly concerned about the tone of Blackjack's voice but he offers to meet him in Iacon's operations room and heads there. After having left the Sanos Traco, Blackjack had attempted to read the Covenant once more but had accidentally landed on a page containing a passage about the original thirteen Transformers. He realizes from this that finding Time Traveller may be the key to locating Cambreaker. He isn't looking forward to meeting with Rattrap as he exits the Flush and heads to operations room. As soon as he sits down he explains to Rattrap the nature of the deal and asks if the rat has any suggestions of how to reduce the security risk involved. Rattrap is furious and repremands Blackjack for acting behind the backs of his 'family'. In order to curb his companion's backlash a little, Blackjack tries to impress just how important Iacon is to them and insists that the DSM will keep to their deal.

Rattrap understands a little of what Blackjack is getting at. It had been a long time since he'd called anywhere home, but the Autobots had a right to protect Iacon. He offers to accept the deal, but with increased security at the Heights and keeping certain areas restricted. He also suggests giving the DSM plans for a modified Royal Flush without any of the special features of the original. Blackjack is relieved that Rattrap accepts the plan and also decides ask him how they might go about locating Time Traveller. Rattrap instructs Nighteye to prepare a blueprint for a tank similar to the Flush. He suggests to Blackjack that they might be able to track a transwarp signature from Time Traveller's ability to travel through time. Although he doesn't understand, Blackjack asks him to try. He also apologizes for making the deal without their consent and offers to Rattrap that he could take command. Rattrap dismisses the idea, not wanting to have that burden, and heads out to finish the preparations before their journey. Blackjack heads to the Nighteye's bridge to begin scanning for transwarp signatures.

Meanwhile, Minerva begins to wonder what had exactly happened to the others while she was under the effect of Dirge's weapon. Blackjack had been found unconcious and Makeway had been damaged. She asks Redline to fill her in. Redline explains that she did not join them until after the battle so she knows little of the details. She explains how Wreck-Gar's head was delivered by Inferno and how they had found Makeway in Iacon. Worst of all, Minerva learns that Galvatron had been resurrected successfully. She is devastated to learn that they had failed and asks to see Wreck-Gar's remains. Redline indicates the Nighteye's medbay and Minerva heads there as the other begin to board. Sideways enters his quarters onboard the Nighteye and is surprised to receive a call from his old companion Rev. The two catch up on current events and Sideways asks Rev to check up on his supercomputer REBA while he is away. He also explains that he plans to upload a copy of his processor to the computer so that he can still help the Autobots if anything happens to him. Blackjack checks on the Royal Flush's new 'flight mode' before heading to the Nighteye to begins scanning. He also sends a quick message to Pinstripe to tell him the deal is on. Rattrap finishes modifying the security at the Heights and producing a basic plan of the Flush for the DSM before heading to the bridge. As the ship takes off, Nighteye indicates a signal has been found and with a glance at Blackjack he asks her to take them to it.

Part XLVIII comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Iacon: pages 69-71
Outskirts of Iacon: page 1
Deep Space/ Miscellaneous Planets: pages 15-16
Earth: pages 14-15
Makeshift Hangar of the Sanos Traco: page 1

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:26 pm
by Blackjack

From somewhere, Cambreaker moves across a war torn landscape towards a confrontation he knows he must face. His mind wanders towards events that have occured both recently and vorns ago. He remembers a conversation he'd had with Blackjack regarding a political rival named Halfshaft. He can hear Minerva's voice speaking to him as he moves upward, reminding him of her feelings. He recalls how he had come to be here, how he had searched for the Autobot Time Traveller and asked him to send him here so that he could accomplish what he felt was necessary. As he climbs the final hill he can hear the maniacal laughter of his enemy. He looks at the mountains of slain Autobots and hopes that he will not see his friends among them. He looks out at the tide of Decepticons, rallied around their leader who is announcing a total Decpeticon conquest of the universe. He readies his axe and shouts a gladiators challenge. Cambreaker stands his ground as Galvatron, The Emperor of Destruction, turns to face him.

Galvatron and Dirge look down at the Vegas strip and then begin searching for a human so they can put their plan into motion. Dirge asks the first person they encounter to 'take them to his leader' and Galvatron apologizes for the display. He explains that the Autobots are about to attack the Davis Dam and he is there to protect them. Galvatron flies to the top of the Luxor Pyramid to announce his presense. As the National Guard arrives to see what is going on, Galvatron explains to the officer in charge the situation and offers to go to the dam and deal with the Autobots. The human who they had first encountered suggests to the Sergeant that Galvatron is suspicious and offers to follow him and see if he's telling the truth. He introduces himself as Dr. Ben Dover and Dirge overhears the name, thinking it funny. As the other Decepticons approach the Davis Dam, Inferno orders them to burn it to the ground. Blitzwing angrily reminds him that their orders are to take it over but not destroy it and after some debate, Inferno begrudgingly agrees.

Aboard the silent Ætherspite, Double Clutch and Bombsight sit and keep each other company while they wait for Cambreaker to return. Suddenly the ship's sensors indicate that the Nighteye is approaching. Thinking quickly, Bombsight does everything he can think to hide the ship's presense, hoping that the Autobots will give up and turn back. After an initial transwarp jump, the Nighteye loses sight of the trail and is momentarily confused on where to go next. She asks Blackjack about Cambreaker's transwarp patterns and Blackjack realizes that he may have used the same trick here that they'd used to evade the bounty hunter. After scanning once more, Nighteye finds the trail again, but there is no sign of the Autobot warship. Blackjack sends a message to the other Autobots and asks them to come to the bridge. As soon as the jump begins, he finds himself experiencing flashbacks of his former life on Cybertron. He remembers Makeway telling him that his friend had set him up on a date with Roulette and his first meeting with her. He also finds himself before her grave and as he wonders how he got there Makeway appears and tells him that he must keeping looking for Cambreaker. As he comes back to his senses, he realizes the 'Spite is there before them and asks the Nighteye to take them in to dock. Seeing that the other Autobots had not been detered, Double Clutch heads out to buy Cambreaker more time.

As Inferno begins to demand the human's turn the dam over to them, Galvatron arrives and begins firing blanks at them. Not far behind him is Dr. Dover who begins recording his observations of Galvatron and questioning whether Galvatron's thirst for destruction is befitting of a heroic savior. Seeing that they are under attack, Inferno is at first confused and fires his flame cannons wildly around. Then he realizes that this is Galvatron's plan and calls for a retreat. As he gloats about having saved the dam, Galvatron hears the cries of Dr. Dover. The human had been badly burned by Inferno's flames and the Decepticon leader thinks of how to turn this to his advantage. He asks Dirge to use mechanical parts and the remains of the human's motor scooter to make him like them. When the psychiatrist awakens, he is horrified by what the Decepticons had done to him and confused to see the so-called Autobots who had rejoined them. Galvatron explains that the doctor is now under his control and he shall be named Psychotron from now on.

As the Nighteye heads to the 'Spite there is a sudden darkness and a rift appears on the bridge which brings a strange cloaked figure before them. Sideways notes that there has been a temporal anomaly, they are stopped in time. The figure speaks and demands to know what they are searching for. The gears click in Blackjack's head and he identifies the figure as Time Traveller and tells him that they need his help. Time Traveller reveals his true form and tells them that they most likely do not want to find Cambreaker at the moment and that they will find him when he is ready to be found. He also let's them know that someone has been following them, a Decepticon ship that was lurking nearby and watching their every move.

To Be Continued...

Part XLIX comes from the following roleplay threads if you would like to read for yourself:

Deep Space/ Miscellaneous Planets: pages 16-
Earth: pages 15-
Far Ago and Long Away: page 1
The Ætherspite (Cambreaker's Frigate): page 51