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President's Day (2016)-Maggy's Movie reviews- President's Day edition (part 3)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:19 pm
by Ultra Magnus
And now to wrap our suggested watching trilogy, we have a second movie with the same title as the first, made 6 years later, with a completely different plot, Zombies of the dead presidents, and production values that make the 2010 film look like Lawrence of Arabia.

I mean, at this point, why are you still coming to me if you want serious recommendations in this category? Seriously?

But, since you are here... I might as well.

The movie starts with your standard group of teenagers. You know, the geek dude, the film student with the camcorder, the stoner, the stoner's gothy twin sister, the stoner's slutty girlfriend, the trouble making guy that rides a motorcycle dude, and the straight A stuck up achieving girl with a stick panted so far up her backside she never needs a toothpick. They are on a trip to the stoner's uncle's hunting cabin in the woods.... where on the way, they run into the creepy redneck harbinger predicting their doom...

Yeah, this movie's originality is about as deep as a mud puddle. You have seen this movie before. You have seen it done better. You have seen it spoofed. You have seen it spoofed again. And you have seen the masterclass upon it in Cabin in the Woods.

So, why should you watch it? You shouldn't. You absolutely never should. Unless, of course, you are stoned and have already watched the other two movies specifically made for this worthless holiday. Still awake and want another bong rip? Then this is perfect for that point in the night.

Are there boobs? No, but there are gratuitous bathing suit scenes and streaking stoner dude's ass. Are there gruesome kills? All off-screen. Does the movie even try to take itself seriously? Thank gawd no. I swear some of the dialogue is lifted straight from CW teen romance series, and a couple of fourth well breaking jokes might land if you have not heard them before. But, Maggy, you ask.... did they at least get actors you would recognize as the presidential zombies? Not even close. It is basically that friend of yours that thinks he is good at impressions, but his entire impression is saying "I am (fill in the blank)." Consume only when heavily under the influence.

DISCLAIMER: My views, in no way, reflect the of the views of the entirety of the TFL Administration team. Please consume herbal refreshments only if you are in an area and if you are of an age where such activities are considered legal. Please consume responsibly, and in the safety of your own home.