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Optimus Prime
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
OPTIMUS PRIME is the largest, strongest, and wisest of all Autobots. Feels his role is the protection of all life, including Earth-life. Fights unceasingly to defeat the Decepticons. Splits into three autonomous modules: 1) Optimus Prime...the brain center knon as the Commander; 2) Roller, the autobot scout car...a spy who operates up to 1200 miles away; and 3) Autobot Headquarters...the combat deck equipped with a versatile mechanic/artillery robot. Injury to one module is felt by the other two.
To the left and right are the different incarnations of Optimus Prime Transformers toys that have hit the shelves in the US since the toy line's start in 1984.
G1 - There were four different versions of Optimus Prime released during G1:
- The original Optimus Prime
- The original Optimus Prime (Mail-in and Pepsi box variant)
- Decoy Optimus Prime
- Powermaster Optimus Prime with Hi-Q
- Action Master Optimus Prime with Armored Convoy
The original Optimus Prime - The original Optimus Prime was originally issued before the Transformers, as we know them, appeared in the US in the so-called 'Diaclone' series (also a Takara-owned toy line). Some of the very first issue Primes were left-over stock from the Diaclone line, and can be recognized by metal plates in the trailer where there are usually stickers. Also, the weapons are somewhat 'bloated' when compared to the standard issue Optimus Primes, and Roller color would be either a light blue or grey instead of the standard purple.
The original Optimus Prime (Mail-in and Pepsi box variant) - The Pepsi and Mail-In box variants were just that--box variants. The figures were all similar.
Decoy Optimus Prime - The Decoy Optimus Prime were rubber figurines packaged with some of the carded bots from 1986. There were about 50 different decoys, both Autobot and Decepticon, released in the same manner.
Powermaster Optimus Prime with Hi-Q - was issued in 1988, just after the G1 cartoon series ended in the US. Prime came with Hi-Q, a small robot that transformed into Prime's engine to unlock the toy's transformation abilities.
Action Master Optimus Prime with Armored Convoy - came with an armored convoy truck and trailer that could transform in to a jet and a battle station. The actual Prime figure could not transform.
G2 - There were also four different versions of Optimus Prime released during G2:
- Commander
- Hero Optimus Prime
- Laser Rod Optimus Prime
- Gobots Optimus Prime
Commander - - The first issue during G2 was a repaint of the original G1 Optimus Prime. Came with a voice module that would play 'I am Optimus Prime' in a very devoneer tone. Came with all the same accessories as a G1 plus 2 additional launchers, 4 red missiles, and the voice module.
Hero Optimus Prime - (sometimes called 'Combat Hero') was the next Prime release, and was a completely new mold. Came with 2 rubber missiles and an accordian-style air cannon to propel the missiles. A rare variant of this Prime was an unreleased blue repaint. A few samples of this repaint have been spotted in the same packaging as the standard issue Hero Prime. Some G2 catalogs labeled this repaint 'Combat Hero' Optimus Prime.
Laser Rod Optimus Prime - was also released during this time. Also termed 'Octane Prime' due to the trailer lettering, this toy remains a popular favorite amongst collectors. Had battery-powered LEDs that could light up his clear sword.
Gobots Optimus Prime - was a dinky little red car. The name 'Gobots' sounds familar to many of us old-school collectors because it was a competing toy line that ultimately fell victim to the popularity of the Transformers. The fact that Hasbro used 'Gobots' as a subgroup name has long been rumored to be a form of corporate gloating. The Gobots molds were later used in the Spychangers subgroup of the Robots in Disguise (RiD) toy line.
Machine Wars - There was only one issue of Optimus Prime during the short-lived Machine Wars line. While the mold was new to the US, it was actually a repaint of Thunderclash, who was released as a G2 Transformer in Europe.
- Machine Wars Optimus Prime
Robots in Disguise - The name returns during RiD, with two issues:
- Super Optimus Prime
- Spychanger Optimus Prime
Super Optimus Prime - was a pretty nifty, gimmicky fire engine transformer that could combine with Super Ultra Magnus to form Omega Prime.
Spychanger Optimus Prime - was basically a miniature (Spychanger-sized) version of Super Optimus Prime.
Universe - The Universe line is dedicated to repaints (no original molds in this line!) The line spans many years, but to date, only three figures bear the leader's name:
- Sam's Club Universe Super Optimus Prime Repaint
- Universe Spychangers Optimus Prime Repaint
- G1 Spychangers (KB-Toys)
Sams Club Universe Super Optimus Prime Repaint - is a yellow repaint of Super Optimus Prime.
Universe Spychangers Optimus Prime Repaint - was a yellow repaint of Optimus Prime Spychanger that was issued as a 2-pack with a miniature version of Red Alert from G1.
G1 Spychangers (KB-Toys) - Optimus Prime was issued as part of six-figure G1-themed spychagners series for the 20th Anniversary of the Transformers. These guys are kind of a seperate toy line, not bearing any of the Armada, Energon, or Universe logos on their packaging. Notice that Optimus Prime is a miniature, version of Laser Rod Optimus Prime from Generation 2 repainted to the Generation 1 color scheme. As a side note, the original mold for this figure was Spychanger Scourge (who himself was a miniature version of the Toys R Us exclusive RiD Scourge which was a repaint of G2 Laser Rod Optimus Prime (above).
Heroes of Cybertron - These were 3" tall non-transforming PVC figurines. There were 5 issues of Optimus Prime in this line:
- Original Optimus Prime with Blaster
- Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor
- Original Optimus Prime with Energy Axe
- Powermaster Optimus Prime - Spark Attack
- Original Optimus Prime with Communicator
Original Optimus Prime with Blaster - was a miniature version of the original G1 Prime, with a more cartoon look to him.
Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor - was a miniature version of Godginrai, the Japanese issue that was later released in the US in Toys R US Commemorative Series II (Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor).
Original Optimus Prime with Energy Axe - was much like Optimus Prime with Blaster, but with no blaster gun and a translucent yellow axe for his right hand (which came from his battle with Megatron at Sherman Dam in the G1 cartoon episode More Than Meets The Eye Part 2: Into the Enemy Camp).
Powermaster Optimus Prime - Spark Attack - was a translucent yellow repaint of HOC Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor.
Original Optimus Prime with Communicator - is like the two original Prime HOC figures, but with no weapons, and with a wrist communicator.
Armada - There were six (count 'em, 6) incarnates of Optimus Prime during this line:
- Optimus Prime with Sparkplug
- Supercon Optimus Prime with Over-Run
- Powerlinx Optimus Prime with Corona Sparkplug
- Built to Rule Optimus Prime
- McDonalds Happy Meal Optimus Prime
- K-Mart Exclusive Powerlinx Optimus Prime with Jetfire
Optimus Prime with Sparkplug - was the first issue during this line. The name Sparkplug actually comes from the G1 cartoon series. Sparkplug was the father of Spike (Headmaster for Cerebros who was the Headmaster for Fortress Maximus). Spike was the father of Daniel who made his first appearance in Transformers: The Movie and later became the Headmaster for Arcee, the pink female futuristic car Autobot. In this case Sparkplug is a yellow minicon (micromaster-like) vehicle that could unlock a weapon function on Optimus Prime. As a side note, this figure was packaged with either 1 of 2 comics or a CD.
Supercon Optimus Prime with Over-Run - was basically a smaller, version the cab of the above with a greater range of articulation and with a different minicon. As a side note, there are several variants of this figure. One came with silver headlights, one came with yellow headlights, and one came with yellow headlights with autobot symbol on the hood. You can see pictures of the variants here. Nemesis Prime was a black repaint and is a Decepticon, so he will not be listed on this page.
Powerlinx Optimus Prime with Corona Sparkplug - was a repaint of the first Armada Prime, and could combine with a variety of other figures. Came either with or without CD.
Built to Rule Optimus Prime - was a lego redo of Armada Optimus Prime with Sparkplug (but without the trailer).
McDonalds Happy Meal Optimus Prime - was a small translucent version of Powerlinx Optimus Prime that could combine with the other 3 McDonald Happy Meal Armada Autobots to form some lame dumb-looking thing.
K-Mart Exclusive Powerlinx Optimus Prime with Jetfire - was basically a re-issue of Jetfire and non-Powerlinx Optimus Prime together in a giftset. One difference between this issue and the standard issue Optimus Prime is this one has a gold chest. Came packaged with minicons Commettor, Longarm, the Minicon Adventure Team, and either Coronoa Sparkplug or regular Sparkplug.
Toys R Us Commemorative Series Re-Issues - There were two versions of Optimus Prime issued here:
- Commemorative Series I Optimus Prime
- Commemorative Series II Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor
Commemorative Series I Optimus Prime - was basically a re-issue of the original G1 Optimus Prime, with some glaring differences, like the shorter smokestacks.
Commemorative Series II Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor - was not really a re-issue of a U.S Transformer because it includes Apex Armor who is a Re-Issue of God Bomber from Japan. This is a re-issue of the God Ginrai giftset from Japan.
Energon - Four versions of Optimus Prime were released during the Energon era:
- Super
- Roleplay - Optimus Prime Energon Blaster
- Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime vs Megatron (Toys R Us)
- Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime with Corona Sparkplug & Overload with Rollout (Costco)
Super - Here Optimus Prime combines with four other vehicles to form one large robot.
Roleplay - Optimus Prime Energon Blaster - A non-transformable roleplay blaster that made a brief appearance in the Energon cartoon series. The Energon Blaster came with 3 Nerf darts and worked on pump-action.
Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime vs Megatron (Toys R Us) - Here Optimus Prime was packed with Megatron and sold exclusively at Toys R Us. Both Prime and Megatron are scaled-down and repainted versions of their Super Class Energon counterparts. In this version, Optimus Prime came with no trailer or other figures to combine with, although as a Powerlinx figure, he did have the ability to hook up with other mid-sized Powerlinx Energon figures. In robot mode, his torso was disproportionately large compared with his arms and legs leading to all sorts collector-created names, including Fatimus Prime.
Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime with Corona Sparkplug & Overload with Rollout (Costco) - In this exclusive availabe at Costco stores, Prime from Armada Optimus Prime and Sparkplug was again repainted, this time in a grey and yellow color scheme, and came packaged with a similarly-colored variant of Overload. The minicons Corona Sparkplug and Rollout remained unchanged.
Alternators and Masterpiece - Two magnificant sculpts were made in this memorable toy line, including:
- Masterpiece
- Mega Figure - Optimus Prime
Masterpiece - As the name implies, this piece is truly a Masterpiece. Unlike the other releases in the Masterpiece series, much of the figure is made of die-cast metal, and looks cartoon-accurate. Even includes a replica of the Matrix and his Energon Axe seen in the cartoon episode More than Meets the Eye. Does not include a trailer, but a custom trailer is available as well as a the Japanese MP-4 Prime giftset which includes the cab and trailer. This is a must-have for any Transformers collector, especially Optimus Prime collectors! Check out some awesome pics here.
Mega Figure - Optimus Prime - Optimus Prime only made one appearance in the Alternators line (and quite late in the series at that, which is quite unusual). This is another must-have for the avid Transformers collector as the Alternators toy line really focused on detail and accuracy of transformation - the figure looks equally beautiful in robot mode as it does in pick-up alternate mode.
Cybertron - Optimus Prime exploded on to the Cybertron sceen with a whopping nine releases:
- Leaders - Optimus Prime
- Micro - Optimus Prime
- Burger King Kids Meal Toy - Optimus Prime
- Leaders - Galaxy Force Optimus Prime
- Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime
- Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime (Ape)
- Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus (Costco Exclusive)
- Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime and Wing Saber (Costco Exclusive)
- Micro - Optimus Prime
Leaders - Optimus Prime - The first Optimus Prime released in the Cybertron series is a rather large figure, again a semi tractor trailer, but a bit more futuristic in style. The trailer could be converted into wings of sorts for flight mode, or into a battle station mode a la Machine Wars Optimus Prime and G1 Powermasterand Action Master Optimus Prime. Also included a Matrix of Leadership accessory.
Micro - Optimus Prime - Also released during Cybertron was a tiny spychanger-sized (dubbed Legends Class) version of the Leader Class Prime, no trailer was included.
Burger King Kids Meal Toy - Optimus Prime - This scaled down version of Prime did not have any direct resemblance to the larger toys, and the transformation is quite simplistic. What do you expect for a Kids Meal toy?
Leaders - Galaxy Force Optimus Prime - Galaxy Force was the name given to the Cybertron toy line in Japan. This figure is a repaint of the Leader Class figure.
Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime - The first deluxe release of Cybertron Optimus Prime was a repaint of Supercon Optimus Prime from the Armada toy line. This figure was not packaged with a minicon.
Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime (Ape) - I personally believe the name given to this figure was a mistake. Primate versions of the Autobot leader were almost exclusively given the surname Primal (e.g. Optimus Primal). This figure was a repaint of the 10th Anniversary Beast Wars Optimus Primal (single pack variant) which itself reminiscent of Beast Wars Transmetal Optimus Primal (which was the first figure to come with the hoverboard).
Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus (Costco Exclusive) - The Costco Prime was the 3rd versoin of RiD Super Class Optimus Prime. This was not a re-issue of the first release as there were paint changes, but they were very slight and very few.
Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime and Wing Saber (Costco Exclusive) - The Optimus Prime in this exclusive was fully unmodified from the original Cybertron Leader Class release.
Micro - Optimus Prime - Here, Cybertron Legends Class Optimus Prime was repainted to match the color scheme of Cybertron Leader Class Galaxy Force Optimus Prime
Classics - The Classics line was short-lived but still managed to sqeeze in four versions of Prime:
- Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime Vs Megatron
- Voyager - Optimus Prime
- Masterpiece - Optimus Prime (Tftm 20Th Anniversary)
- Store Exclusive - Pepsi Optimus Prime (Botcon, Hasbro Toy Shop)
Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime Vs Megatron - The Optimus Prime in this Ultimate Battle 2-pack had a very G1 look, and again came with no trailer. Featured power-punch action!
Voyager - Optimus Prime - Many collectors compained about the dominuative size of this version of the leader, and how odd he looked packaged inside a relatively large box. He came with no trailer. This version was later repainted in a Decepticon-like purple color scheme and released as a Botcon exclusive dubbed Shattered Glass Optimus Prime.
Masterpiece - Optimus Prime (Tftm 20Th Anniversary) - This was a repaint of Masterpiece Optimus Prime from 2004 and features a slightly different paint job on the figure and some of the accessories. Also came with a figure stand.
Store Exclusive - Pepsi Optimus Prime (Botcon, Hasbro Toy Shop) - This unique version of Prime was originally released at Botcon 2007 and later was available at Hasbro Toy Shop (also in 2007). This was basically a repaint of the original G1 Optimus Prime with a flatbed trailer which could hold an apparently huge Pepsi bottle.
Titanium - Another nine Primes were sent out in the Titanium line:
- 3" Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (War Within)
- 3" Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (G1)
- 6" Cybertron Heroes - Optimus Prime
- 6" Cybertron Heroes - Optimus Prime (RiD)
- 6" Cybertron Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Megatron War Within 2-pack (Toys R Us)
- Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime and Bumblebee (Scrapmetal Finish) (TRU)
- 3" Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (Battle Damage)
- Store Exclusive - Ultimate Optimus Prime 3-pack (Movie Protoform, Vehicle Mode, Robot Mode) (Target)
- 3" Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (Movie)
3 inch Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (War Within) - The War Within name originates from the Dreamwave Transformers comic series, where the alternate modes of the figures were pre-Earth designs. This figure was based on that design.
3 inch Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (G1) - This was another miniature version of the original G1 Prime, and resembled very closely the animated cartoon Prime.
6 inch Cybertron Heroes - Optimus Prime - This was another War Within version of Optimus Prime, this time transformable. While the die-cast metal is nice, many collectors had complaints about other aspects of the quality of these figures, the most common complaint being loose joints.
6 inch Cybertron Heroes - Optimus Prime (RiD) - This was another homage figure, this time to RiD Super Class Optimus Prime.
6 inch Cybertron Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Megatron War Within 2-pack (Toys R Us) - Towards the end of the Titanium line, Toys R Us released this exclusive 2 pack of Prime and Megatron. Optimus Prime was a direct re-issue of the single-pack War Within Titanium figure.
Store Exclusive - Optimus Prime and Bumblebee (Scrapmetal Finish) (TRU) - The Optimus Prime released in this Toys R Us exclusive was a repaint of Titanium 3" G1 Optimus Prime with a metallic finish.
3 inch Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (Battle Damage) - Here we have yet another repaint of Titanium 3" G1 Optimus Prime with (fittingly) battle damage to the torso.
Store Exclusive - Ultimate Optimus Prime 3-pack (Movie Protoform, Vehicle Mode, Robot Mode) (Target) - This Target exclusive featured 3 versions of Optimus Prime from the 2007 Transformers movie - the robot mode version of the comet-like Movie Deluxe Protoform Optimus Prime, a robot mode version of Movie Leader Class Optimus Prime and the alternate mode of the same figure.
3 inch Robot Masters - Optimus Prime (Movie) - This was the same release as the robot mode Movie Leader Optimus Prime from the Target excluisve Ultimate Optimus Prime 3-pack
Movie - Along with a big budget blocker comes a slew of merchandise, including 25 releases of the leader (so far):
- Leaders - Optimus Prime
- Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime (Protoform)
- Roleplay - Optimus Prime (Voice Changer)
- Voyager - Optimus Prime
- Arm Blaster - Optimus Prime (Battle Rig Blaster)
- Cyber Stompin Robot - Optimus Prime
- Fast Action Battlers - Optimus Prime (Power Hook)
- Legends - Optimus Prime
- Leader for the Ages 2007-1984 (Wal-Mart)
- Store Exclusive - Voyager - Robo-Vision Optimus Prime (Target)
- Cyber Slammers - Optimus Prime
- Unleashed - Optimus Prime
- Robot Replicas - Optimus Prime
- Store Exclusive - Robot Replicas - Optimus Prime vs Megatron (Battle Damaged Robot Replicas) (Wal-Mart)
- Leaders - Nightwatch Optimus Prime
- Leaders - Optimus Prime (Premium)
- Voyager - First Strike Optimus Prime
- Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Battle-Damage 3-Pack (Arcee, Starscream, Optimus Prime) (Sams Club)
- Fast Action Battlers - Optimus Prime (Fire Blast)
- Allspark Battles - Nightwatch Optimus Prime vs Stealth Starscream
- Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Optimus Prime (Battle Rig Blaster) with Optimus Prime (Power Hook) (Target)
- Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Optimus Prime Voice Changer with Digital Dagger
- Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Optimus Prime with Bumblebee and Autobot Jazz
- Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Legends 4-pack (Optimus Prime, Megatron) (Target)
- Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Battle for the Allspark Legends 6-Pack (Bumblebee, Autobot Jazz, Optimus Prime vs Megatron, Barricade, Starscream) (TRU)
Leaders - Optimus Prime - A new semi truck cab mold for Prime was made for the 2007 movie release, again with no trailer section (there was also no trailer for him in the movie). The new gimmick here was Automorph Technology in which a button is dragged to perform part of the transformation. It is ment to simulate the visual style of the movie transformation sequence.
Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime (Protoform) - When the Transformers crash landed on earth in the 2007 movie, it was a bit different than the crash landing of the animated series back in 1984. Each character arrived in more-or-less comet form, and that's precisely what this figure represents.
Roleplay - Optimus Prime (Voice Changer) - This helmet was another roleplay item. Push a button on the mouthpiece and the helmet would play one of several phrases from the 2007 movie. Also available was a variant in which the voice used was Peter Cullen (the actor who played Optimus Prime in the movie, as well as the G1 cartoon series).
Voyager - Optimus Prime - Here is the original release of what has got to be one of the most re-painted figure. It is a smaller version of the Leader Class Movie Optimus Prime Peterbilt semi. Features a human with a cowboy had in the driver seat who flips away when the driver-side door is opened (meant to simulate the hologram-drivers that were used in the movie).
Arm Blaster - Optimus Prime (Battle Rig Blaster) - Another roleplay toy, this time Prime transforms from a big rig blaster to an arm and fist with a gun attached that shoots nerf darts with the flip of a lever.
Cyber Stompin Robot - Optimus Prime - The Cyber Stompin series of toys made a crashing noise whenever the figure took a step, but sadly they do not transform.
Fast Action Battlers - Optimus Prime (Power Hook) - This was an over-simplified (and somewhat deformed) version of Leader Class Movie Optimus Prime that featured some quick transformation sequences and a powerful projectile launcher (projectile attached to figure by a string).
Legends - Optimus Prime - Again, this would be the tiniest, version of Movie Optimus Prime, similar to RiD Spychangers in size and complexity
Leader for the Ages 2007-1984 (Wal-Mart) - Wal-Mart had exclusive rights to sell this 2-pack which contained unmodified versions of Movie Fast Action Battlers Power Hook Optimus Prime and Classics Ultimate Battle Optimus Prime.
Store Exclusive - Voyager - Robo-Vision Optimus Prime (Target) - The 2nd version of Voyager Class Movie Optimus Prime was available as an exclusive from Target, and actually hit stores before the general release. Most collectors prefer this version to the general release as the paint detail (especially around the windows), but the two versions were quite similar otherwise.
Cyber Slammers - Optimus Prime - The Cyber Slammers sub series had the most simplistic transformation of all the Movie figures. Transform from robot to alt mode by squashing the torso down into his legs, which primes the motor, propelling it forward whence the robot pops back up.
Unleashed - Optimus Prime - Essentially this figure was 2-sided statue with a large Optimus Prime kneeling with flames surrounding him, and a smaller figure in truck mode on the opposite side.
Robot Replicas - Optimus Prime - This version of Movie Prime did not transform, but had a high level of detail and articulation. Came with a replacement arm weapon.
Store Exclusive - Robot Replicas - Optimus Prime vs Megatron (Battle Damaged Robot Replicas) (Wal-Mart) - The Wal-Mart Prime-Megatron 2-pack had the same mold of the original Robot Replica Prime but with a bit of intentional battle damage deco.
Leaders - Nightwatch Optimus Prime - Leader Class Movie Optimus Prime was replainted mostly blue with shades of grey and white, somewhat reminiscent of G1 Ultra Magnus.
Leaders - Optimus Prime (Premium) - This figure was a slight repaint and re-tool of the original Leader Class Movie Optimus Prime. The major change to the paint job was that silver paint has been applied various parts of the cab (the grill, headlights, feet, etc.) and the major change to the molding was to the head, for example longer ears, to make him appear more movie-accurate.
Voyager - First Strike Optimus Prime - This was the 3rd version of Voyager Class Movie Optimus Prime, repainted in G1 colors as an homage to the classic figure.
Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Battle-Damage 3-Pack (Arcee, Starscream, Optimus Prime) (Sams Club) - The Optimus Prime released in this Sams Club exclusive was the 4th verision of Voyager Class Movie Optimus Prime and featured battle damage highlights such as cracks on the windows and scratching on the paint job.
Fast Action Battlers - Optimus Prime (Fire Blast) - This was a repaint of Power Hook Optimus Prime from the same FAB sub series.
Allspark Battles - Nightwatch Optimus Prime vs Stealth Starscream - The Optimus Prime in this set was a repaint of Legends Class Movie Prime to match the blue/grey color scheme of Leader Class Nightwatch Optimus Prime.
Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Optimus Prime (Battle Rig Blaster) with Optimus Prime (Power Hook) (Target) - Self-explanatory
Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Optimus Prime Voice Changer with Digital Dagger - Self-explanatory
Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Optimus Prime with Bumblebee and Autobot Jazz - Self-explanatory
Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Legends 4-pack (Optimus Prime, Megatron) (Target) - This Target exclusive consisted of two previously released figures (Legends Class Cybertron Optimus Prime and Legends Class Movie Optimus Prime and were fully unchanged.
Store Exclusive - Multipack (non-repainted) - Battle for the Allspark Legends 6-Pack (Bumblebee, Autobot Jazz, Optimus Prime vs Megatron, Barricade, Starscream) (TRU) - This Toys R Us release contained the previously released Legends Class Movie Optimus Prime which was unmodified.
Robot Heroes - This 2007 Movie side-project has eight releases of Prime thus far:
- Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Ravage
- Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Blackout
- Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Scorponok
- Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Barricade
- Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Unicron
- Store Exclusive - The Final Battle 5-pack (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Jazz, Autobot Ratchet, Blackout) (Wal-Mart)
- Store Exclusive - Decepticon Sneak Attack (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Cliffjumper, Hologram Mirage, Skywarp) (Wal-Mart)
- Store Exclusive - Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime with Battle Damage and Cliffjumper (Best Buy)
Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Ravage - Here we have a somewhat superdeformed non-transformable 3-inch PVC version of G1 Optimus Prime.
Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Blackout - Another deformed version of the leader, this time resembling 2007 Movie Optimus Prime, and comes with a large cannon.
Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Scorponok - This version of Robot Heroes Movie Optimus Prime is similar to the one packed with Blackout but came with launcher and missile as opposed to a large cannon.
Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Barricade - This is the 3rd version of Robot Heroes Movie Optimus Prime, this time without a weapon!
Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime vs Unicron - Not a repaint of the previous G1 homage in the Robot Heroes toy, but similar, posed holding the Matrix of Leadership much like G1 Rodimus Prime held it at the end of the animated 1986 film.
Store Exclusive - The Final Battle 5-pack (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Jazz, Autobot Ratchet, Blackout) (Wal-Mart) - The Prime that came in this Wal-Mart exclusive set is the 4th version of Robot Heroes Movie Optimus Prime. This figure also came with a cannon weapon, but the deco this time was a metallic finish.
Store Exclusive - Decepticon Sneak Attack (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Cliffjumper, Hologram Mirage, Skywarp) (Wal-Mart) - The Prime that came in this Wal-Mart exclusive set was a metallic finish repaint of the first Robot Heroes G1 Optimus Prime (the one without the Matrix).
Store Exclusive - Robot Heroes - Optimus Prime with Battle Damage and Cliffjumper (Best Buy) - The Best Buy release of the 2007 Transformers Movie included two exclusive Robot Heroes figures - Cliffjumper and Optimus Prime with Battle Damage. This is was the 5th version of Robot Heroes Movie Optimus Prime and the 3rd version to feature the cannon arm weapon. As the name implies, this one had a battle damage paint job.
Animated - There have already been eight releases of Prime in this young Transformers series:
- Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime Cybertronian Mode
- Supreme Figure - Roll out Command Optimus Prime
- McDonalds Happy Meal Toy - Optimus Prime
- Roleplay - Optimus Prime (Battle Rig Blaster)
- Voyager - Optimus Prime
- Voyager - The Battle Begins (Optimus Prime vs Megatron)
- Activators - Optimus Prime
- Bumper Battlers - Optimus Prime
Deluxe Figure - Optimus Prime Cybertronian Mode - The design of this version of Prime is loosely based on War Within Optimus Prime (pre-Earth alt mode). Still a semi-truck looking-figure, instead of rear wheels, the cab has tank-like tracks and smaller wheels for rolling on smooth surfaces. Also came with a double-sided battle axe (probably inspired again by the G1 cartoon episode More than Meets the Eye as was the case with Masterpiece Optimus Prime).
Supreme Figure - Roll out Command Optimus Prime - This main gimmick with this ginormous figure was the partial transform on the torso as the cab rolls forward. Also features electronic lights, sounds, and mouthpiece movements.
McDonalds Happy Meal Toy - Optimus Prime - While the toy size and transformation are quite dinky, the sculpt is surprisingly good, for a Happy Meal toy!
Roleplay - Optimus Prime (Battle Rig Blaster) - The idea here was the same as for Movie Battle Rig Blaster where a slight motion changes the toy from alt mode into a fist with Nerf-dart firing weapon.
Voyager - Optimus Prime - In earth mode, Animated Prime is a futuristic fire truck and includes a water-squirting extinguisher cannon, the main weapon is a giant two-sided battle axe.
Voyager - The Battle Begins (Optimus Prime vs Megatron) - The Prime from this 2-pack more closely resembles his G1 counterpart, featuring smokestacks which were left out of other Primes from Animated. Features a battle-damaged paint job and a single-sided axe which is spring-loaded to hack with the twist of the torso.
Activators - Optimus Prime - This scaled down version of Prime features a simple push-button transformation.
Bumper Battlers - Optimus Prime - This figure is the Animated version of the Movie Cyber Slammers line where the figures main body is smashed into its legs to shoot it forward, which causes the torso to rise up again.
Contributors list: Thanks and major props go out to:
- king poseidon from adc for info about Heroes of Cybertron and Armada Supercon Optimus Prime variants.
- jarethke from adc for the scoop on the KB-toys exclusive Optimus Prime spychanger (coming soon), as well as the heads-up on the 20th Anniversary Prime US short-stacks variant pics (coming soon)! Thanks also for the correction on the Optimus Prime/Jetfire K-Mart Giftset.
- remy of Tfkenkon.com for use of some of his outstanding Optimus Prime images.
- hotmissile of allspark.com for clarification and extra details on Armada Supercon, G2 Hero, G2 Laser Rod, and G1 Spychanger Optimus Prime's.
- xautobotx of allspark.com for his correction on the inspiration for HOC Prime with Energy Axe.
- spark and professor of allspark.com for the extra info on G2 Hero Prime.